Insider 10 / 2016

Congresses PET symposiums and lectures WikiPETia .info PET knowledge management system Pulse The monthly PET price index Worldwide PET magazine Social Media Connecting worldwide Events Fairs, open houses, on-site sessions ... No. 4 2016 D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 25.04.16 PETplanet is read inmore than 140 countries MAGAZINE FOR BOTTLERS AND BOTTLE-MAKERS IN THEAMERICAS,ASIA, EUROPEANDALLAROUND THE PLANET BEVERAGE +ingredients Page 10 MARKET survey Suppliers of resins / additives Page 27 D51178; ISSN:1438-9452 No. 9 2016 PETplanet is read inmore than 140 countries MAGAZINE FOR BOTTLERS AND BOTTLE-MAKERS IN THEAMERICAS,ASIA, EUROPEANDALLAROUND THE PLANET 07.09.16 MARKET survey Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants Page 41 TheChinaRoadShow Page 12 bottlemaking Page 21 Page 52 PETplanet is read in more than 140 countries News Daily PET business news Editours Worldwide editorial reporting T h e w h o l e w o r l d o f