Insider 11 / 2016

MATERIAL / RECYCLING 11 PET planet Insider Vol. 17 No. 11/16 Fully automatic disposal concept of empty PET bottles The mineral well Teinach GmbH is a company of Mineral- brunnen Überkingen-Teinach GmbH & Co KGaA. The regional brand company produces mineral water and sweet drinks. More than 160 million bottles a year are filled on a production area of about 2,500m². These are sold to beverage wholesale trade or food retail. The company now compacts the PET bot- tles with three machines of Strautmann Umwelttechnik GmbH, manufacturer of bale- and briquetting presses. “We looked for a partner that auto- mates our disposal solution and guar- antees us reliability,” says Michael Schanz, plant manager, Mineralbrun- nen Teinach GmbH. In the production of Mineral- brunnen Teinach GmbH, just slightly damaged bottles are automatically removed from the production process. These bottles are transported on a conveyor belt which passes through a slot in the adjacent hall. In this hall the three Strautmann machines are posi- tioned. Through the conveyor belts the empty PET bottles are directly transported into the two redundant briquetting presses. Disposal of full PET bottles Full PET bottles are disposed of with the LiquiDrainer. Full PET bot- tles, which are after the best of date, are collected in small containers and lifted by truck into the LiquiDrainer. The PET bottles are emptied and savely devaluated. The now empty PET bottles are transported via the ejection onto the conveyor belt of the BrikPress and then compressed into briquettes. BrikPress channel system The highly compacted briquettes are pushed through channels outside to the triple distributor. The transport of the briquettes is made without additional energy consumption, as the briquettes are automatically pushed by the strong pressing force of Brik- Press. This saves energy and time. Via the triple distributor the briquettes then pass into the container. When a container is full, the logistic depart- ment gets a message and can order the collection. Disposal previously Before the PET bottles were dis- posed of with Strautmann, they have been disposed of by a perforator and a channel baler. The two systems were very far away from the produc- tion, thus the Mineralbrunnen Teinach GmbH had long transport ways and a high in-house handling. Emissions of filler and blowing machine was collected in contain- ers and driven by a truck outside to the disposal site. The bottles were then thrown in the perforator and thus pre-compressed and emptied. The presorted emptied bottles were blown into the ejector via an air transport in a channel baler. The PET bottles were pressed into large bales. The bales then had to be stored. If enough bales had been accumulated for a truck, the bales had to be picked up from the disposer. This was also a time-con- suming step, because the bales had to be charged. For the Mineralbrunnen Teinach GmbH it was important to obtain a reliable and fully automated disposal solution that can be integrated into the production. The use of two redundant BrikPress machines ensures also a high reliability. Through the installation of LiquiDrainer, the two BrikPress and briquette channel system the inter- nal handling has been reduced to a minimum. Schanz says: “We chose the Strautmann machines, because we wanted to reduce time and energy effort. Since then we have significantly less transport routes – we don’t even need to load anything anymore.” Triple distributer at the Mineralbrunnen Teinach GmbH Filling the BrikPress channel system