Insider 11 / 2016
PET contents 11/16 4 PET planet Insider Vol. 17 No. 11/16 INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 58 Products 59 On site 60 PET bottles for Beverage + Liquid Food 62 PET bottles for Home + Personal Care 64 Patents MATERIAL / RECYCLING 11 Fully automatic disposal concept of empty PET bottles 12 A clearer view 14 Tackling environmental challenges 16 Reborn as a marker pen PREFORM PRODUCTION 18 Preform dedusting boosts product safety at Gerolsteiner 19 Preform design & prototyping service BOTTLING / FILLING 20 Maintaining healthy properties 22 From beverages to liquid food INSPECTION 24 Optical sensors for oxygen permeability PACKAGING 28 To kill tow birds with one stone 30 Sturdy packages 31 Wrinkle-free wrapped 32 Hot-filled - cold-chilled MARKET SURVEY 35 Suppliers of closure systems TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 38 drink technology India (dti) exhibitors 39 dti preview 40 Sustainable preform production in India 42 Country Liquor: the PET Pioneer from West Bengal 43 New flavours for trend-conscious consumers 44 BrauBeviale preview 54 Entire integration for the beverage industry TRADE SHOW REVIEW 56 Self-optimising factory BUYER’S GUIDE 65 Get listed! Page 18 Page 52 Page 43