Insider 11 / 2016
TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 55 form and container production methods nor the subsequent bottling stage underwent any major changes: even after the launch, in 1997, of the first stretch-blow moulding machines integrated with the bottling line, the three phases remained largely distinct. With heroPET4.0, we’ve overcome all the problems that previ- ously hindered full integration of these processes, doing so by making full use of com- pression technology, a field in which Sacmi has world- beating skills that stem from decades of experience and thousands of systems installed all over the world.” Tested with a leading Ital- ian bottler who has validated its performance (the plant produced 30,000 half-litre still water bottles an hour for a year, using preforms weighing just 9g, with energy savings of between 1.3 and 1.5kWh per kg of PET), the new Sacmi heroPET 4.0 platform is now presented to the market. It uses both the advantages of compression technology and Sacmi process automation- integration solutions. It can also be supplied complete with the full array of direct in-line inspection and quality control systems developed by the Group’s Automation&Service Division.