Insider 11 / 2016

TRADE SHOW REVIEW 57 PET planet Insider Vol. 17 No. 11/16 real time is correlated both with quality and key business operating figures and analysed in a variety of ways. It then becomes particularly exciting if not only the production cells of an individual site but of a global production network are integrated using Engel e-factory. The processes can be optimised from the company headquarters, and col- leagues are better supported locally. The new energy module allows the detailed presentation, analysis and optimisation of energy consumers. Energy enables Engel e-factory to con- trol the start-up of the injection mould- ing machines and production cells automatically and reliably avoid any energy peaks. The electricity costs of the machinery are therefore reduced. smart service To increase the machine avail- ability of injection moulding machines and manufacturing cells, smart service relies on short routes, remote mainte- nance and a view into the future. The Engel e-connect.monitor is said to make it possible to analyse the condi- tion of process-critical machine core components in the live operation and reliably predict the risk of default. The condition-based, predictive mainte- nance makes it possible to exploit the service life of critical machine parts to the full and avoid any unplanned equipment stoppages that occur in spite of this. The regular condition monitoring supports process optimisa- tion in the long term. Critical process settings that accelerate the wear of certain components are identified by analysing the wear parameters and are then subsequently avoided through process changes. The Engel e-connect.monitor is par- ticularly beneficial for process-critical machine components that maintenance staff do not constantly keep in focus. These include the spindles that actu- ate the axial movements in electrical injection moulding machines. Since there are multiple spindles operating in each machine and the failure of only one brings the entire production cell to a standstill, the condition monitoring of the ball screw drives is done continu- ously. In future, the data captured by the sensors is transmitted in real time to the Engel e-connect customer portal where it is automatically analysed with the help of mathematical and physical models. The operator can then call up the current condition of the individual spindles at any time and is immedi- ately notified in the case that a spindle reaches a critical condition. If desired, the software can be programmed so that the alarm notification automatically initiates an order for spare parts and books an appointment for a service technician. As far as the packaging industry is concerned, Feltes points another advantage out: “Process data at the point of sale is another contribution of Industry 4.0 to the packaging industry. In future, consumers will not only find information on the ingredients of foods and cosmetics in the supermarket, but also on how and from what materials the packaging was made.” NOCONSTRAINTS LABELINGMACHINE Interchangeable modules with or without cart. Free to decide how to fit your labeler at any time: before, during and after purchasing. Models for all speeds. CHOOSE THE SPECIALIST PH. +39 0376 389311 MAIL: [email protected] WEB: Hall 6 – Stand #G029 Stand 7-337 Booth #S-2520