Insider 11 / 2016

BOTTLES 61 PET planet Insider Vol. 17 No. 11/16 DRYING HAS NEVER BEEN THIS EFFICIENT: ETA plus® LUXOR A 80-2400 Now available with ETA plus ® ETA plus ® considerably reduces energy consumption and protects materials. When it comes to drying, saving energy is a key concern. We have developed a system that combines airflow regulation with a temperature adjustment feature – that can be disabled if required – and efficient waste heat recovery. The result? A drying system that cuts energy consumption by up to 64%: ETA plus ® . motan-colortronic gmbh [email protected] Sweetener without calories 100g of Truvia nectar – a product with a stevia glycoside basis which has been additionally refined with erythritol and natu- ral aromatic substances – fill a slim, contoured and transparent PET bottle under the protected trademark Truvia by the American corporation Cargill. The viscous, honey-coloured product is served via a hinged lid clasp with self- closing silicone valve. By pressing the bottle, a dosed quantity of the product is released. The bottle is labelled with a sleeve label which covers the snap cap as a first opening safety measure. Before first use, part of the label must be perforated and removed. Topping for popcorn For popcorn fans, the Ameri- can company Kernel Season‘s offers various additions to perk up the popcorn made at home, so that it tastes like the but- tery popcorn “from the cinema”, for example. With this is mind, the company fills a transparent bottle with screw-on hinged lid and dosage opening with 417ml of the liquid consisting of several edible oils and flavourings. The product is to be used following instructions and poured onto the prepared popcorn. A colourful sleeve label gives information on usage and application tips.