PET planet Insider Vol. 17 No. 11/16 BUYERS GUIDE 69 4.5 Downstream equipment Tel: +34 954779200
[email protected] 4.6 Liquid Nitrogen Dosing Phone: +1-781-933-3570 Fax: +1-781-932-9428 Email:
[email protected] Web: 5.0 RECYCLING Bühler Thermal Processes AG As of April 2015, the company is renamed to Polymetrix > see Polymetrix Maag Automatik GmbH Ostring 19, 63762 Grossostheim Germany T +49 6026 503 -0 F +49 6026 503 -110
[email protected] PET Chemical treatments: Cleaners, flotation compounds and additives Via Vigevano 61 28069 - San Martino di Trecate Novara - Italy Tel. 0039.0321.789710 Fax 0039.0321.789716 uff
[email protected] Polymetrix AG a former Bühler Group Company Sandackerstr. 24 9245 Oberbüren, Switzerland Direct +41 71 552 10 00 PET-Recycling Plants Consulting & Engineering Complete Solutions 5.8 Complete recycling plants Complete PET bottle recycling system and fiber plant engineering Tel: +86-573-85120186 Complete PET recycling plants, FDA approved, integrated IV increase without Pellet-SSP, process features lowest overall energy consumption, more than 140 plants supplied to industry. EREMA GMBH Unterfeldstr. 3, A-4052 Ansfelden Tel. 0043-732-3190-0
[email protected] · w Herbold Meckesheim GmbH PET Granulators, Agglomerators, Shredders, Complete PET washing and recycling lines Industriestrasse 33 74909 Meckesheim Tel.: 06226 - 932 – 0 Fax: 06226 - 932 – 495
[email protected] 4.3.4 Aseptic filling lines Blowing, filling, packaging Turnkey Solution Supplier Tel.: +86-512-58691111 Aseptic & Ultra-clean filling lines 12 route de Mamers - BP 46 72402 LA FERTE BERNARD Cedex Tel.: (33) 2 43 60 28 28
[email protected] 4.4.1 Labelling machinery Finpac Italia srl tel +39 02 89775524
[email protected] – www.finp GERNEP GmbH Benzstraße 6 D-93092 Barbing Tel: +49 9401/9213-0 Fax: +49 9401/9213-29 Email:
[email protected] P.E. LABELLERS S.p.A. Via Europa 25 46047 Porto Mantovano (MN), Italy Tel.: +39 0376 389311
[email protected] washing ∙ recycling ∙ reproduction completely PET plants, turnkey & module KOWIN YANG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Taiwan Tel: +886-4-26300888 Fax: +886-4-26300869
[email protected] “PET washing and recycling plants, turnkey and modules for B2B, fiber, sheet” SOREMA division of PREVIERO Via per Cavolto 17, 22040 Anzano del Parco (Co) -Italy Tel:+39 031 63491250
[email protected] · w Starlinger recycling PET recycling equipment Turnkey solutions and modules for plastic recycling and washing plants (PET, PE, PP, PS); more than 60 plants supplied worldwide; “made in Germany” STF Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH Industriestr. 2, D-94529 Aicha v. Wald Tel: +49 (0) 8544 960-110 Mail:
[email protected] Web: Complete washing lines for PET recycling, for fibre, sheet, B-t-B applications TECNOFER ECOIMPIANTI SRL Via Calto, 409/28 45030 Ceneselli (RO) - Italy Tel: +39 0425 849090
[email protected]