Insider 03 / 2017

INSPECTION 17 PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 03/17 INSPECTION 17 Terahertz systems measure thicknesses at individual points at the preform; our technology, on the other hand, scans the whole preform. Thus, with a LayerWatcher system, a user can see the flow of the barrier material from the flow front to the trailing edge everywhere in the preform. Even the small- est irregularities are visible in the images. This is an invalu- able advantage when setting up the process or ensuring the flawless all-over-quality of a preform with barrier layer. Gabriele Kosmehl: How does the assessment work? And what happens to the defective products? Gerd Fuhrmann: Sorting out defective products was yesterday. Today the aim is to produce 100% good qual- ity right away. According to our slogan “We solve problems before they occur” the LayerWatcher will constantly monitor the quality of the barrier layer, taking into account a whole bunch of quality parameters. Feeding back this information into the injection moulding machine, an intelligent control will help to ensure a stable production process even in the presence of external perturbations. Gabriele Kosmehl: We saw the LayerWatcher at the Husky booth at the K. How does the collaboration with Husky work and at what stage is the development phase currently? Gerd Fuhrmann: We are linked to Husky through a long-term partnership. What we saw at the Husky booth is just the first step. Converters urge us to fully integrate the LayerWatcher into the production line ensuring the most efficient production of quality barrier preforms. We are work- ing on that. Gabriele Kosmehl: Dr Fuhrmann, thank you very much for talking to us. At K 2016 Husky was showcasing the Layer Watcher vision inspection system from Intravis in the context of a complete Multi-Layer Barrier experience centre. Husky’s latest PET release from the company is the new Multi- Layer Barrier Technology, which offers the opportunity to explore PET as a packaging material for products requiring enhanced barrier properties that are tradition- ally packaged in materials such as glass, carton and alu- minium. The technology is built on the company’s HyPET HPP5 platform. The Layer- Watcher gives a clear image of a virtual cut of the preform wall. This enables the operator to dis- cover all types of irregularities like a split of barrier layers as in this case. Full inspected! SAVE THE DATE PROPAK EAST AFRICA, 7/9.03.2017 #14H | Nairobi KENYA PROPAK VIETNAM, 21/23.03.2017 - K7 | Ho Chi Minh VIETNAM CRAFT & BREW, 10/13.04.2017 - #2155 | Washington USA ENOLITECH, 9/12.04.2017 | Verona ITALY DJAZAGRO, 10/13.04.2017 - #1K028 | Alger ALGERI