Insider 03 / 2017
INSPECTION 21 PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 03/17 SPCXplorer is suitable for single station application, through to full fac- tory database-centric network installa- tions. Designed with the needs of shop- floor data collection in mind, SPCX- plorer can be interfaced to a large variety of manual instrumentation via RS232 connectivity, or for more com- plex gauging systems it can process bespoke ASCII data files via Ethernet. SPCXplorer offers a comprehensive array of data analysis tools, such as the example control charts in figure 7, which allows the end user to under- stand the measurement data and resultant effects on the production pro- cess. In addition, enabling data to be stored locally networked or exported to the customers preferred package. Flexibility and support The plastics packaging indus- try is continually evolving and has a vast array of differing processes, designs, technologies and require- ments. To best answer the needs of the industry it is important to understand that each customer can have distinct and contrasting needs. To reflect this Torus not only works closely with customers but also offer a level of customisation and support. Customisation examples include; bespoke results screens, configu- rable network output, Shotscope integration and tailored batch set-up (see figure 8). Fig.8: Quick-start batch set-up Furthermore, the global service and support team of Torus offer a complete range of preventative main- tenance contracts, on-site breakdown cover, recommended spares, verifi- cations, re-calibration services and online remote support. The engineers travel around the world support- ing over 400 systems and providing installation and training services. Fig.7: Torus SPCXplorer control chart ZZZ IOH[EORZ FRP )OH[%ORZ 8OWUD )OH[LEOH 3(7 6WUHWFK %ORZPRXOGHUV :LGH 0RXWK -DUV +RW )LOO &RQWDLQHUV 2YDO %RWWOHV /DUJH 6L]H &RQWDLQHUV &KRLFH E\ 3DFNDJLQJ 3URGXFHUV 21( IRU $//