Insider 03 / 2017

INSPECTION 31 PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 03/17 loading, tracking and data report- ing. Specialised bottle and preform trays that represent a complete mould round make it easy for opera- tors to prepare sets of samples in advance and then load them into the system for hands-free processing. To enhance throughput, a pipeline approach is used for sample hand- ling and testing, making it possible for concurrent operation of all testing devices. The robotic handling system ensures that samples are moved with efficiency and precision from one test station to another. Testing and throughput efficiency The Automated Laboratory test cell is designed to provide maximum testing throughput. It offers a solution to the challenges of an ever-increas- ing demand for sampling and testing to support ongoing production and manage quality. In addition to organ- ising and consolidating critical testing operation in one compact area, the system offers a number of benefits including hands-free, walk-away operation, efficient management of samples and testing operations, documentation of results, and most significantly, an improvement in test- ing throughput of as much as 300%. Taking into account that each plant operation is unique, Agr engi- neers will work with companies to configure the Automated Laboratory test cell to meet the specific testing needs of that operation. Increased testing throughput in one compact area The automated laboratory The Agr Laboratory test cell provides an automated solution that tightly integrates multiple Agr testing devices. These include the Gawis, for thickness and dimensional measure- ments, the Combi Tester or TL2000 Topload Tester, for fill height and top load, and the PPT3000, for pressure and volume expansion. In addition to increased throughput, the automated cell approach also offers “cost-to- operate” savings. The Automated Laboratory test cell incorporates a heavy duty plat- form that can support up to three independent test stations. At the core of the cell is a precision pick and place industrial robot that manages sample selection, placement of sam- ples into the appropriate test station and the transfer of samples from one station to the next. When tests on the individual sample are complete, the robot can either discard samples or return them to the sample tray for further analysis. Test results from each testing station are compiled with data correlated by sample and consolidated in a single test report. The rugged, compact design of this system makes it possible to locate it on the plant floor, near critical pro- duction operations, or in the tradi- tional laboratory setting. Cell operations, including overall job setup, robot, sample coordination and tracking, as well as activation and control of individual test stations, are managed by a central computer housed within the test platform. A web-based user interface allows for maximum flexibility for job setup, job At the core of Agr’s Automated Laboratory test cell is a precision pick and place industrial robot that manages sample selection, placement of samples into the appropriate test station and the transfer of samples from one station to the next. INSPECTION S P E C I A L Today’s world of high-speed, light-weight PET bottle production has brought increased burdens on the QA team and the testing laboratory. As speeds increase and weights go down, laboratory testing throughput must also increase to provide comprehensive testing management and document quality. With limited personnel and equipment, laboratory throughput can be a challenge for many production facilities. Agr International’s Automated Laboratory test cell provides a solution for meeting the demands for increased throughput.