Insider 04 / 2017

EDITOUR PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 04/17 12 Tour Sponsors: That corresponds with other fig- ures claiming around 9 billion caps are produced per year. Around 900 million bottles go into the aseptic sector (mainly 0.33l bot- tles, which equals 300 million litres, or 4.6l per head) 2,500 million bottles go into the CSD sector (mainly 0.600l bottles, meaning 1.5 billion litres, or 23l per head) and 5,600 million bottles go into the water sector (an aver- age of around 0.79l equals 4.4 billion litres, or 68l per head) (fig. 3 & 4). As such, the total market for PET bottles amounts to around 6.2 billion litres for 65 million people, or 94 litres per head. If you also count water from the 5 gallon containers (87l/head), the middle class consume around 181 litres per head. These figures are good considering the country’s population drinks a lot of hot tea and coffee. These numbers were a result of comparing different sources to create a kind of mean value from all the assertions we were given. However, some, even official, figures diverged dramatically from our results. It would seem clear that the growth of the PET world is essentially generated by the growth of the middle class, considering the high per capita con- sumption of 181 litres per head for the middle class population. Other PET bottles In the Muslim country of Indo- nesia, the alcohol market is heav- ily taxed and as such not relevant in gaining an overall view of the PET world. Another large market is the edible oil market in Asia, where cook- ing traditionally involves using lots of oil. However, we were unable to evaluate any figures from this sector. It was equally not possible to find any reliable figures regarding household cleaning and personal hygiene prod- ucts. We saw a number of one-stage and two-stage PET bottles in the supermarket, however shelves were dominated by HDPE bottles. We were unable to find any PET bottles in the milk sector. DOUBLE ACTING DIRECT COUPLED MOTOR HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM HORIZONTAL OPPOSED MARKET BENCHMARK PROPAK ASIA (Bangkok) 14th – 17th June DRINK JAPAN (Tokyo) 28th – 30 June DRINKTEC (Munich) 11th – 15th September PACK EXPO (Las Vegas) 25th – 27th September CBST (Shanghai) 22nd – 24th November PLAST PRINT PACK (Accra) 5th – 7th December