Insider 04 / 2017

PREFORM PRODUCTION PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 04/17 16 MATERIALS / RECYCLING 16 Food grade PET pellets from Egypt Opening up a new market BariQ Egypt, a subsidiary of Raya Holding, is the biggest bottle-to-bottle recycler in the MEA region. It was established in 2010, has been in operation since 2012 and currently has 200 employees. The company reprocesses post- consumer plastic PET bottles into food grade FDA, EFSA & Health Canada compliant PET pellets on the foundation of the sustainability pillars of being economically justified and environmentally sound. These bottles would otherwise have likely become part of the landfill or burnt. BariQ incorporates state-of-the- art cutting edge green technology from major European suppliers with the washing line from Amut and an upgrading SSP line from Starlinger, in addition to automatic sorters from Tomra, Sesotec & Buhler targeting major international bottle and food container makers and major fibre producers throughout Europe and North America. BariQ holds a number of industry related certifications that are con- cerned with quality (ISO9001:2008), environment (ISO14001:2004) occupational, health and safety (OHSAS18001:2007), and food safety (ISO22000:2005), while establishing an integrated manage- ment system that complies with these international standards. The company is aware of today’s businesses needs to play a piv- otal role in promoting sustainability development goals (SDG’s) and as part of Raya that is a UN Global Compact active participant BariQ is committed to contribute to these goals and be a local SDG pioneer through the continued efforts in fostering innovation and economic growth. In 2016, BariQ expanded its operations and product portfolio by adding the recycling of HDPE and PP containers into resin suitable for various non-food applications such as outdoor furniture, crates, pallets, pipes and insulation sheets. Egypt is a prosperous market because of the geographic loca- tion that allows access to different regional markets. The country has various free trade agreements with most of the global markets that facil- itate importing like free trade agree- ment with Europe, GSP with USA and COMESA with African countries. BariQ exports accounted for 96% of its total revenue in 2016, where it caters its customers in countries such as the USA, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain, Swit- zerland, Turkey and UK in Europe. Serving various PET packaging applications such as plastic bottles (water, CSD, edible oil, cosmetics & detergents), sheet rolls and food containers. Additionally it produces staple fibre grade resin suitable for textiles and carpets. As part of BariQ’s strategic objectives for the coming years, BariQ began to implement the Lean Supply Chain principles in Q1-2016 in partnership with one of the leading service providers. This project will enable the elimination of the different wastes that might occur throughout the value chain in order to improve the quality of the final product with fewer defects and rework. In terms of operations, this means fewer breakdowns, organ- ised workplace, higher efficien- cies and more output. Additionally, achieving lower levels of inventory and on-time delivery of orders will lead to greater customer satisfac- tion and improved employee morale, together with higher profits.