Insider 04 / 2017
PACKAGING / PALLETISING PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 04/17 37 ing machine thanks to these high- torque drives – and this figure has been maintained for four years now. Modern brewing technology has tradition “To date we have not had any breakdowns” electrician Hubert Strobl states happily – and head brewer Ralf Freitag keeps fingers crossed. “Drives from SEW-Eurodrive are practically standard in all filling plants” says the qualified engineer and beer somme- lier. SEW motors can therefore be found in abundance in pack transport as in the handling plants for pallets and containers. In 1997, as one of the first beer producers in Europe, the Mohren brewery automated the pal- leting of the casks with a 6-axle robot. The Kuka machine was fitted out and programmed to be ideal for its pur- pose by RST Automatisierungstech- ZZZ IOH[EORZ FRP )OH[%ORZ 8OWUD )OH[LEOH 3(7 6WUHWFK %ORZPRXOGHUV :LGH 0RXWK -DUV +RW )LOO &RQWDLQHUV 2YDO %RWWOHV /DUJH 6L]H &RQWDLQHUV &KRLFH E\ 3DFNDJLQJ 3URGXFHUV 21( IRU $// The Mohren brewery has been in the centre of Dornbirn since the mid-19 th century. (Photo: SEW-Eurodrive) The “Europac” decentralised packing machine from RST Automatisierungs- technik is fitted with efficient Movigear drive units and other electro-motors and drives from SEW-Eurodrive. (Photo: SEW-Eurodrive) The packing clamps must be able to handle the PET closing device and all other types of bottle in the brewery in the same way, including glass bottles with a swing- top cap. (Photo: SEW-Eurodrive)