Insider 04 / 2017

BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 04/17 55 Coffee: totally different New and innovative bever- age concepts that offer completely unknown taste experiences are always popular. One great current exam- ple is cold brew coffee, a trend that started in the US and is now travel- ling around the globe. And there are other coffee innovations, too. Coffee cherry, for instance, serves as a base for a new type of coffee indulgence called brewed coffee cherry – a light beverage with a fruity-dry note that is more like a refreshing drink than coffee. Doehler has taken these trends and developed its cold brew coffee and brewed coffee cherry concepts. Available as all-in-one solutions and as single ingredients, these enable potential consumer concepts such as ready-to-drink products and strong cold brew coffee infusions as well as coffee cherry infusions. Creativity can run riot here, and additional ideas could use these ingredients in their pure form or with additional ingredients such as natural flavours, juices, regular milk and dairy alternative ingredients made of oat, coconut, rice or almond. Multi-sensory experiences with nutritional value Less sugar, fewer animal products, but more vegetables and protein: more and more people around the world are making efforts to pursue a healthier, more sustainable and more natural life- style. As well as the overall multi-sen- sory impression, a product’s healthy nutritional values and the sources of its ingredients also need to convince the customer. That is why, when develop- ing a product, Doehler pays attention to delivering both a unique multi- sensory experience and ensuring that the product contributes to a healthy diet – with optimum nutritional value. The broad spectrum here ranges from integrated solutions for vegan products to ingredients for gluten-free and dairy/ lactose-free products, to name just a few examples. Less sugar With media coverage highlighting the downsides of sugar, consumers all over the globe are looking for alterna- tives – and the more natural, the better. Doehler’s portfolio of classic and natu- ral solutions allow sugar and calories to be reduced without sacrificing taste. For instance, the MultiSweet Classic range combines carefully balanced blends of high-intensity sweeteners for good taste experiences. Doe- hler’s expert team also utilises its vast knowledge of natural sweeteners for the calorie-free and natural MultiSweet Stevia range, as well as for MultiSweet Fruit solutions, which derive 100% of their sweetness from fruit. Enhancing the perception of sweet- ness is also the aim of Doehler’s Mul- tiSense flavours. This range of natural flavours can be used to achieve sugar reduction without the need for sweet- eners, as well as to mask the aftertaste of high intensity sweeteners and/or to improve the mouthfeel of reduced- sugar products. In reduced-sugar carbonated soft drinks and still drinks in particular, MultiSense Flavours is intended to create a good overall multi- sensory impression, while MultiSense Mouthfeel delivers an extraordinary mouthfeel. Less is more: free-from Alongside sugar reduction, “free-from” products such as “dairy- free” and “gluten-free” also became increasingly popular. Doehler’s range of application-specific gluten-free malt extracts can be used to add natural taste, colour or sweetness, as well as to produce tasty gluten-free beer. Good growth is also being seen in the “lactose-free” sector, with product choices now stretching from soy and rice-based beverages to almond ice cream. With its diverse portfolio of natural, dairy-free ingredients based on almonds, rice, oats and soy, Doeh- ler paves the way for the development of foods and beverages that are free from lactose and cows’ milk. Growing numbers of consumers are also opting for vegetarian and vegan foods. Using high-quality plant-based “green” pro- teins, Doehler can give vegan prod- ucts added nutritional value. A care- fully crafted mixture of plant-based proteins can, for example, be adapted to suit any recipe and achieve end products with sensory appeal. MHT MOLD & HOTRUNNER TECHNOLOGY AG Your Machine - Our Solution 5.1 C15 QUALITY MADE IN GERMANY