Insider 04 / 2017
TRADE SHOW REVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 04/17 62 Helen McGeough, Consultant of PCI Wood Mackenzie , opened proceedings with an overview of the worldwide PET market. According to her presentation, PET resin consump- tion worldwide is expected to grow in all regions with a growth at the end of 2016 of 4.7% compared to the previ- ous year and an expected growth in 2017 of 5.3%. The highest proportion is in bottle-grade resins for water bot- tles, CSD and other beverage applica- tions. The fact that in addition to a low oil price and per capita also technol- ogy has an impact on the use of PET, was demonstrated by McGeough using examples from other sectors, such as an increased demand for PET for aerosols, for personal care prod- ucts or - apart from bottle making - PET in sheets for wind turbines. The Asian market is the worldwide leader in PET resin consumption, in 2016, having 40% of the world’s share, with a leading position to be given in particular to the Chinese market, followed by the USA (19.4%) and the western European market with 15%. The Russian PET market Detailed numbers for the Russian market were provided by Dr Victor Kernitskiy, President of Arpet , a nonprofit partnership for development of the PET industry. In the last year, Russia has produced 534,000t of PET domestically, which corresponds to a rise of 7% compared to the previous year. In addition, there were 108,000t of imports. Although these figures relate to the entire PET market, there is particu- larly some growth in the bottle-grade segment, which Kernitskiy put down to a hot summer and the associated high consumption of packaged drinks and to a change in society, where the taste for alcoholic drinks is falling and the con- sumption of water and CSDs is rising. With an annual bottled water consump- tion of 39l, Russia is still a long way behind the European average of over 100l per head and offers further scope for growth. Filling beer into PET has, in the last few years, provided rich pickings for discussion. Large packs were a classic market for the Russian PET sector. After the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment first questioned whether beer and other alcoholic drinks should be filled into PET, as a compromise solution, this has been limited since the start of the year to pack sizes of up to 1.5l. The smaller breweries in particular have found financial disadvantages in this. By contrast, Kernitskiy is expecting growth in the PET kegs area. Kernitskiy named Polief, Alco- Nafta, Senezh and Sibur as major players in PET manufacture. He sees coming to grips with trends in the packaging area and fur- ther development as the most impor- tant aims for the PET industry and mentioned reducing the weight of the bottles and a higher proportion of rPET, filling dairy products into PET and driv- ing the beer kegs market as examples. 13 th conference “PET 2017” in Moscow Bottles remain the key to the Russian PET industry by Gabriele Kosmehl Part 1 On February 16 and 17, the conferences “PET 2017” and “RPET and recycled plastics 2017” were once again organ- ised by Inventra, part of the Creon Group, in Moscow, Russia. During these annual meeting point of experts from the Russian PET industry, major trends and projects pro- voked lively discussion for the worldwide market and for the Russian market in particular. The latter shows a promising development for PET while there is still a lot to do as far as the recycling business is concerned. Some interesting extracts from the conference of the PET bottle industry are set out below, whilst an article on the recycling industry in Russia will follow in a forthcoming issue of PETplanet. Helen McGeough, Consultant of PCI Wood Mackenzie Dr Victor Kernitskiy, President of Arpet