Insider 04 / 2017

67 PRODUCTS PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 04/17 Forced feed granulators For the grinding of PET bottles, Herbold’s SB- Granulators with forced feeding are available for capacities of 500 to 10,000kg/hr, depending on machine size and screen size. In comparison with standard gravity feed granulators, Herbold sees the advantages of their SB-Granulators with forced feeding in that fewer fines are created during size reduction because bottles are not bouncing on top of the rotor and that the positive feeding into the cutting chamber ensures minimum dwell time in the cutting zone. In addition, the granulators possess 30-50% more capac- ity compared to standard gravity feed machines and smaller machines can be used for the same amount of material, according to the company. That the forced feeder is a buffer helps to balance uneven feed, for example from a sorting line. Depending on customer requirements, dry or wet grinding operation is possible. Design features:  double cross cutting action: the machine cuts like a scis- sor, because rotor and stator blades are both inclined, in opposite direction.  outboard bearing arrangement: no fines can enter the bear- ings, no grease can contaminate the flakes.  hydraulic opening device for easy access.  pre-adjustment of the blades outside of the machine in a jig to reduce downtime to a minimum, because spare blades can be adjusted while the machine is still in operation. The machines are equipped with a standard wear protection package: all inner areas affected can be replaced, because there are bolted wear plates fitted. Also rotors with replace- able, bolted blade supports are available, so there is no need to take out the rotor for refurbishment. Wet grinding is the preferred way to handle size reduction of post-consumer PET bottles: the friction created during the cutting process helps to release the contamination from the surface of the bottles. In wet operation, a higher lifetime of the blades can be expected than with dry grinding. RECYCLING LINE recoSTAR PET iV+ l l l consumer bags textile packaging recycling Visit us at: Interpack Düsseldorf, May 4 – 10, Hall 11, Booth C20 Chinaplas Guangzhou, May 16 – 19, Hall 9.2, Booth C41 drinktec Munich , September 11 – 15, Hall A4, Booth 520 Recycling at the highest level, substituting virgin resin at up to 100% in various types of food packaging. 6WDUOLQJHU +HDG 2IßFH Sonnenuhrgasse 4, A 1060 Vienna 7 ) [email protected] A member of Starlinger Group r ECO EXCELLENT food grade rPET PELLETS