Insider 04 / 2017
PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 04/17 68 PET bottles Beverage + Liquid Food New bottle shape for mineral water In Canada, under the brand name “Riva”, the Okinshaw Water Company sells 500ml alkaline mineral water, which is brought to the surface under artesian principles and is thus enriched with min- erals. The water is put into an unusually shaped bottle which is curved front and back and which tapers towards the back. An all-round non-label-look sleeve label and a positive-locking cap give the bottle an almost “cosmetic” appearance. Alkaline water This water, with a pH of 8.8 and which can revitalise the body after sporting activities, comes from several natural sources in Canada. The “alkiss” water is filtered via reverse osmosis, is “re- mineralised“ and is a blend from several sources. 500ml are filled into a slightly blue-coloured slim bottle. An irregular, sideways on, continuous self-adhesive label and a blue screw cap with a tamper band complete the packaging. Olive oil in PET The French discount chain Auchan fills 250ml of olive oil from Spain into a slim, transparent PET bottle. There are two grooves on the sides which improve both picking up and pouring out as well as sta- bility. The closing device is a green screw cap, with an integrated ring-pull making it tamper-proof, and a specially shaped edge to guard against dribbles when pouring. Smoothie as a shot The Dutch company Hoogesteger sells vari- ous smoothies in German supermarkets as so-called “shots” – small amounts as a one-off portion for a quick boost. The “Clear Green” and “Hello Yellow” smoothies seen in the image must be shaken before use and, accord- ing to the manufacturer, remain fresh for longer because of the production process. In each case, 60ml are filled into easy-to-handle transpar- ent bottles with a tamper-proof screw cap and a paper label. The products distributed in the Netherlands have differ- ent names and other varieties. More varieties are also avail- able there. PROCESS PILOT ® makes producing a better PET bottle as easy as 2 3 1 MEASURE CONTROL OPTIMIZE every bottle for changes in material distribution process variation, inside the blowmolder material utilization and orientation to achieve maximum bottle performance CONTACT US TODAY TO LEARN MORE! AGRINTL.COM | +1.724.482.2163 |
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