Insider 05 / 2017

MATERIALS / RECYCLING 15 PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 05/17 Piovan: GenesysR is the evolution of Genesys and represents a further step towards optimisation and perfec- tion of the bottle manufacturing process. The development of this new category of drying systems, the new “reactor drying systems”, was not performed in a one, two or three year program, it is the outcome of research and develop- ment in PET drying systems of Piovan knowledge management. GenesysR is not available in all the configurations of Genesys. The two product lines will coexist. PETplanet: How have you tested and certified it? Piovan: Ten GenesysR beta installations have been function- ing for the latest nine months and the first GenesysR systems will be made industrially available in the first quarter of 2017. PETplanet: Piovan first intro- duced an auto-adaptive system, able to adjust the functioning mode of the drying system to the industry in 2009. What makes auto-adaptability so advanta- geous, and how does the tech- nology work in your new product? Piovan: GenesysR features the highest degree of auto- adaptability. If such function was valuable back in 2009, it has become indispensable today. Auto-adaptability allows the use of multiple grades of PET, from different suppliers and produced in different processes. PET is today available in the so called water grade (0.72 IV) and bottle grade (0.82 IV), however it can be produced by utilising very new and innovative processes of poly- merisation and solid state post condensation, along with older production systems. Different PET from numer- ous sources are available today, each requiring different process- ing or preparation conditions to be adequately and efficiently transformed into a preform/bottle. GenesysR is a first milestone of Industry 4.0 in the rigid packaging industry, as it is a concrete exam- ple of how an Industry 4.0 compli- ant system, the so called Cyber Physical System, is configured to operate for the objective of achieving: a high constancy of production, high pre- form and bottle quality, stable injection moulding and blow moulding machine operation, a reduction of scrap rate to zero and an energy efficiency of the pre- form system. PETplanet: We thank you so much for this interesting discussion! The GenesysR system for optimising the bottle manufacturing process SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 0438 911511 - Fax +39 0438 912273 - email: [email protected] We make it happen. Imagine taking your operating costs at the lowest level. Designed to adapt. Built to last. Preform Systems M A IN T E N AN CE COS T i st ment Le ss t ha n 1% of th e ca pi tal n ve