Insider 05 / 2017
MATERIALS / RECYCLING PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 05/17 25 degassing-free and highly robust 3S bimetal single screw extruder in L/D 26.5. Reciclar sees the years of relia- bility of the overall Vacurema concept with low maintenance at the same time as clearly confirmed. Increasing challenges in PET recycling The situation for plastics recyclers around the world has changed, also for Director Sergio Martin and his stage washing process and sophis- ticated pre- and post-sorting. The main investments here were ultra- modern automatic flake sorting plants from leading manufacturers. With this recycling concept the Argentin- ian company can supply high-grade PET flakes and PE and PP recyclates, mostly independent of the quality of the input materials. team in Buenos Aires. The PET post- consumer bottle market – not only in Argentina – consists of a growing number of extremely lightweight bot- tles and has proportionately consid- erably more contaminants such as full-body-sleeve labels made of BOPP, PE, PLA, PET or PS. The ISO-9001 certified company Reciclar reacted early on and, besides the most efficient extrusion technol- ogy, was soon committed to a multiple Thanks to the recycling and extrusion systems Reciclar produces high-quality end products such as strapping bands from post-consumer PET bottles. The recycling and production hall at Reciclar