Insider 05 / 2017

PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 05/17 41 TRADE SHOW REVIEW 41 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet: You were also present as exhibitors: what inno- vations did you or were you able to present at the conference? Laux: Since we act as an auxiliary supplier in this value-added chain, we have introduced, in addition to our tried and tested, new product systems, such as, for example, the cleaning agent Tubiwash Top and the combination prod- uct for process optimisation Tubifoam KE 100. PETplanet: A topic that excites many of our readers: Are there any new develop- ments at CHT in the PET recy- cling sector? Laux: At present, we are active around the world and are therefore confronted with and challenged with the most diverse requirements. Together with our research department, we are constantly developing new and market-adapted prod- ucts and systems. For example, we now offer combination products that allow our customers to reduce the number of products. PETplanet: Was the con- ference successful for you? Laux: Yes, PRS Europe was a great success for us, so we’ll be back again next year. A word of praise must go to the organisers, who have done a great job in bringing together all the exhibitors and speakers, and making all this possible. In addition to interesting discussions with recyclers and machine manufacturers, PRS has also produced a few new customer projects for us. What was striking and fas- cinating was that there was a real sense of motivation from all participants to work together towards a “clean” future. PETplanet: Thank you for your time and the pleasant conversation. After the presentation visitors had the opportunity to go around to talk with the exhibitors. PETplanet Insider met Sebastina Laux of CHT Group for a rapid impromptu interview after the show: PETplanet: What were the rea- sons for the participation of CHT Group at this conference? Laux: First of all, we wanted to introduce ourselves as a customer-ori- ented foundation with our facilities for the cleaning process of plastics and sustainability. We have had interesting discussions with customers by par- ticipating and from this projects may materialise. PETplanet: Did you meet many customers here? Laux: We had many visitors yesterday, whereas today it is a bit quieter, but we do certainly expect the number of customers to increase in the coming years. But numbers were satisfactory considering this is only the first occasion that the PRS has taken place. We had visits from existing customers, as well as inter- esting potential customers, and this has already resulted in some exciting projects. PETplanet: Is it a conference where you can exchange views? Laux: Definitely. We met repre- sentatives of the entire value-added chain in the plastics recycling sector. We were able to discuss various types of plastics, e.g. from PET to PE and on to PVC. In addition, there was mention of current topics in recycling, such as the problems the opaque PET brings with it in the recycling process and how they could be solved. [email protected] Tel: +90 212 695 50 00 Fax: +90 212 694 97 24 100815dmyR .com Sebastian Laux Technical Service Recycling at CHT Group