Insider 06 / 2017
PREFORM PRODUCTION PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 06/17 23 system because it has the unique advantage to decrease damage to the bottleneck of the preforms, by smoothly sliding the preforms in the hopper of the filling line, but the flex- ibility of the Stackabox allows integra- tion in every imaginable automated system. Even automated folding and erecting of an empty Stackabox by means of a folding robot is possible. Afterwards, 182 folded Stackaboxes, stacked seven high can make the return trip to the preform producers in one trailer. The Stackabox has been in use for 5 years, not quite long enough to make adequate conclusions about the maximum life span, but it will be pos- sible to make hundreds of round trips with each box. And that is not the end of its lifecycle, because the polypro- pylene raw material is 100% recycla- ble and it can be used over again for the production of new containers or other plastic items. StackaboxMedium-1-stacked Stackabox dispensing: Dispensing of preforms CHOOSE THE NUMBER ONE. BA C K T O L IFE. VAC U R E M A ® – F o o d Co nt ac t Ap pr ov ed Recycling :LWK KLJKO\ HˈFLHQW GHFRQWDPLQDWLRQ %()25( WKH H[WUXVLRQ SURFHVV Bottle-to-bottle Pelletising Inline Applications