Insider 06 / 2017

43 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 06/17 ClearShield is claimed to overcome the deficiencies of traditional technologies, includ- ing unwanted colour, migration and bloom. ClearShield UV absorbers are easy to handle and meter and, since they are incorporated into the PET itself, do not leach into beverages. PET preform producers and bottle converters will espe- cially appreciate that the use of ClearShield-modified PET simplifies processing by resist- ing plate-out onto injection moulded preform and bottle moulding surfaces, the com- pany asserts. The advantages also include clear sustainability benefits. Simon Bousquet says that formulators can obtain sim- ilar levels of protection to those offered by traditional absorbers from as little as one-twentieth the level of UV ClearShield absorber in the formulation. “This also eliminates con- cerns about toxicity or waste- water contamination by some of the chemicals traditionally used in other UV stabiliser,” he adds. “Better contents protection and extended shelf life help to reduce product waste. And by enabling greater use of more natural and uncoloured PET, ClearShield helps to reduce or eliminate the need to use dark or coloured containers to protect contents,” he explained. “Such opaque and coloured PET materials tend to make the recycle stream dark, which can make recycling more difficult and lessen the value of the reclaimed product.” This has prompted the Brussels- based Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) trade group to sound the alarm bell about how the rise in use of coloured PET containers is “putting the future of PET recycling at risk.” If collected and sorted together, PRE noted, these numerous coloured con- tainers will need extra sorting in the PET recycling plants. For recyclers to sell this coloured fraction the material will have to be tinted in black or grey, but no market currently exists for such a material in high quantities. These ‘colourful’ future trends will weaken the image of PET as a recycled prod- uct, the group warns. Milliken Chemical believes that these factors further strengthens the argument for using clear, uncoloured PET, and ClearShield UV absorbers allow this to happen, with no compro- mise in product quality. SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 0438 911511 - Fax +39 0438 912273 - email: [email protected] We make it happen. Imagine taking your operating costs at the lowest level. Designed to adapt. Built to last. Preform Systems M A IN T E N AN CE COS T i st ment Le ss t ha n 1% of th e ca pi tal n ve