Insider 07 / 2017

BOTTLE MAKING 15 PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 07/17 esting. We are developing a pouch or brick replacement concept that is as cost effective, but also recyclable. We have demonstrated this concept to a number of end-users and brands who have found it extremely interesting. PETplanet: Very soon we will see the very first bottle commercialised which was manufactured with Liqui- Form. Can you give us a hint as to what we need to be looking out for? Saxena: The first application will be launched very soon for the home and personal care market sector. So keep your eyes open for a soap or shamphoo, a detergent or a cleaning liquid. The reason why it is an HPC application is that the hygiene require- ments are lower than those for bever- age products. However, our licensees are working to realise launches in the beverage area as well. I expect that within the next 24-36 months, we should be able to see beverage prod- ucts as well. PETplanet: Mr Saxena, thank you for your time! Conventional blow moulding and filling operations (right) versus LiquiForm (left) LiquiForm