Insider 09 / 2017

AF COMPRESSORS Tel. + 352 26 95 66 28 OTHER SHOWS WHERE WE GO! 2017 MORE INFO ? RANGE NEW $) &RPSUHVVRUV VKRZV R΍ LWV OHDGHUVKLS TXDOLWLHV WR WKH RLO IUHH SHW FRPSUHVVRU LQGXVWU\ At drinktec, AF has partnered with eight of the leading blow moulding machine manufacturers to demonstrate the latest in PET blow moulding technology. AF invites you to see our compressors in operation, and to visit our booth in Hall B-5, Stand 532, to introduce the new AF Compressor range and discuss how our latest R&D developments can reduce your total cost of operation. AF is the World Leader in PET compressors R΍HULQJ WKH EHVW performance & aftermarket support with 150+ specialized PET technicians. We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate our products and services at GULQNWHF LQ 0XQLFK *HUPDQ\ IURP 6HSWHPEHU WHO’S BLOWING PET BOTTLES TODAY ?! 31 OCT. - 02 NOV. 2017 GULFOOD MANUFACTURING 2017 DUBAI, WORLD TRADE CENTER BOOTH Z1-A 28. 22-24 NOV. 2017 CBST 2017 SHANGHAI, CHINA BOOTH 1A-01. :LWK RYHU AF Compressors RSHUDWLQJ WKURXJKRXW WKH ZRUOG 8 UNITS RUNNING@ &20( 6(( WKH 81'Ζ6387(' WORLD LEADERS HALL B5 STAND 532 One of the numerous ALPLA Plants equipped with AF Compressors. PET COMPRESSOR L 5 B 280 kW Service Factor 1.0. Air capacity 1680 m³/h. Hana Water facilities, during installation, in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.