Insider 10 / 2017

10 NEWS PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 10/17 CHOOSE THE SPECIALIST ALL INONESOLUTION TOKEEP YOURPRODUCT SAFE Labeller + Sleever + Shrinking tunnel Available for speed from 4.000 to 24.000 bph APPLICATION LABELS + TAMPER EVIDENT PH. +39 0376 389311 MAIL: [email protected] WEB: Best-ever result at drinktec 2017 With over 76,000 visitors from more than 170 countries, drinktec has chalked up the best-ever result in its 66-year history. The number of visitors rose by 10,000 over the previ- ous event in 2013. In particular at the international level, the trade fair was able to grow attendance again, this time by 12%. The ratio of visitors from outside Germany thus rose to 67%. The number of exhibitors increased to 1,749 from 80 countries. That is mainly attributable to the wine technology trade fair SIMEI, which was held as part of drinktec for the first time, as well as further growth in the number of exhibi- tors at drinktec itself. The number of visitors from China was more than 2,000, an increase of 65%. That means China already occupies second spot in the rankings of the top 10 countries of origin for visitors - behind Italy, which likewise recorded a sharp increase thanks to SIMEI: by around 45% to 5,240 visitors. There was also a striking rise in attendance from South America. SIMEI apparently helped boost the number of visitors from Argentina to 545 (an increase of 165%). 1,100 visitors came from Brazil, a rise of 40%. France, likewise a wine country, came fourth this year with 1,800 visitors. Apart from Italy, China and France, other countries in the top ten were Russia (1,857 visitors), the UK (1,619), the U.S. (1,570), Austria (1,567), Spain (1,254) and the Netherlands (1,221). The Rapid Guide to Perfect PET Bottles “The Rapid Guide to Perfect PET Bottles” (by Ottmar Brandau) is a troubleshooting guide that should be in every operator’s toolbox or on their smartphone or tablet. Over 125 pages the author analyses 31 common defects of PET bottles and gives tips on how to solve them. These tips focus separately on both single and two-stage stretch blow moulding. After each defect an explanation gives more background into why this defect may occur to help with the understanding and further troubleshooting skills. In addition to the 31 defects there are also 7 chapters that deal with common issues in both processes for further reading and understanding. This invaluable guide has already proved itself useful in actual production conditions, and indeed many companies have ordered multiple copies or put it on their intranet. It is avail- able exclusively at