Insider 10 / 2017
11 NEWS PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 10/17 Food & drink multinational invests in Sacmi inspection systems Sacmi announced that it has become the official “problem solver” of a leading food&drink multinational that has sev- eral plants across the USA (with dairy and ready to drink tea bottling lines) that invested in its inspection systems for cor- rect cap application. Installed and started up just recently the LVS360 system equipped with the CVS360-3D module has the capacity of being able to check for correct cap application and, more specifically, measure (using 4 HD video cameras) the exact distance between the embossed logo on the cap and the one on the bottle support ring (the PUM or pull-up mark). Moreover, advanced CVS360-3D module software, which translates the acquired 3D image into a 2D image, gives a perfect recon- struction of both cap and bottle neck. This allows measurement of the distance between the PUMs (a key parameter in test- ing for proper cap application), allowing real-time detection of every minimal deviation from quality parameter settings. Designed for use on food & drink lines, the LVS360 system has an inspection capacity of 72,000 bottles per hour, with neck diameters of up to 38 mm. Made of stainless steel and fea- turing an excellent protection rating (IP65), it can be washed with water both inside and out. For example, a common bottling line problem concerns the need to check the cap application angle on every single con- tainer and reject all containers with caps that are either too tight (i.e. too difficult to open) or too loose (i.e. with compro- mised product sealing performance). In this case, the solution is the CVS360-3D, the module for 360° quality control of three-dimensional objects. Developed by Sacmi’s Automation & Service Division, this advanced system (mounted on the LVS360 platform) caught the attention of the customer, who then carried out in-the- field trials plus dynamic tests performed in Sacmi Imola’s Beverage R&D facility. The outcome: output quality that is 100% guaranteed, with false rejects reduced to less than 0.03% BIG CONTAINERS, ONE STOP SOLUTIONS 7,; PZ YHWPKS` ILJVTPUN [OL TVZ[ JVZ[ LќLJ[P]L HUK ÅL_PISL WHJRHNPUN HS[LYUH[P]L MVY IPN JVU[HPULYZ J\Z[VTHYPS` THKL MYVT /+7, [PUWSH[L JHUZ WVS`JHYIVUH[L HUK HS\TPU\T 7,; JVU]LYZPVU IYPUNZ NYLH[ HK]HU[HNLZ PU [LYTZ VM JVZ[Z ZWLLK HUK LHZL VM WYVK\J[PVU HZ ^LSS HZ SVNPZ[PJZ >P[O THU` `LHYZ VM L_WLYPLUJL :07( PZ `V\Y VUL Z[VW ZOVW MVY PUUV]H[P]L WYVK\J[PVU [LJOUVSVN` ZVS\[PVUZ MVY Q\Z[ HIV\[ HU` SHYNL ZPaL JVU[HPULY YHUNPUN MYVT [V SP[LYZ ^OL[OLY YL[\YUHISL VUL ^H` ZX\HYL YV\UK VY ZX\HYL Z[HJRHISL :[HY[PUN MYVT [OL KLZPNU VM [OL WYLMVYT HUK [OL JVU[HPULY [OYV\NO PUQLJ[PVU HUK ISV^ TV\SKPUN [V ÄSSPUN HUK OHUKSPUN ;OPUR IPN [OPUR :07( INJECT BLOW FILL PALLETIZE SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 0438 911511 - Fax +39 0438 912273 - e-mail:
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