Insider 10 / 2017

EDITOUR PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 10/17 19 INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AS ALL-IN-ONE-SOLUTION AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT FOR PET RECYCLING AND PREFORM PRODUCTION CONVEYING DISTRIBUTION, BATCH TRACKING MIXING UNIT GRAVIMETRIC THROUGHPUT: 2500 kg/h CONTINUOUS DRYING PROCESS DRYPACK 2000/16 MATERIAL DRYING AND MOLD DEHUMIDIFICATION IN ONE SYSTEM ,PZIpY HZ H ÅL_PISL WHY[ULY MVY UL^ HUK JVTWL[P[P]L [HPSVY THKL Z`Z[LTZ SPRL WYVK\J[Z [V H]VPK JVUKLUZH[PVU VU TVSKZ JHW JVVSPUN KY`PUN VM WSHZ[PJ YLZPU [OL WYVJLZZ VM 7,; ÅHRLZ HUK *Y`Z[HSSPaLY 6\Y M\Y[OLY JVTWL[LUJL PZ KPNP[HSPaH[PVU HUK JSLHYS` Z[Y\J[\YLK ]PZ\HSPaH[PVU HZ ^LSS KH[H JVUULJ[P]P[` VM HSS VWLYH[PVUHS KH[H MVY LɉJPLU[ JVU[YVS HUK THPU[LUHUJL WWW.EISBAER.AT START WITH EISBÄR — VISIT US AT FAKUMA BOOTH A7–7312 — industry, it can be concluded from estimates that the water market is growing annually by around 11-15%, the CSD market by around 7% and the beer market by around 5%. The packaging trend for water lies clearly towards small volume bottles, which culturally are often given out as a welcome gift at family festivities and get-togethers. As Laos is successively opening as a market, and thus in the long term making room for competition, the edi- tors will continue to observe the coun- try closely and will pass on informa- tion as soon as more is available. Get in touch with… recycling Laos As in Thailand, Laos is still in its infancy in terms of waste recycling. The fact that a majority of the popu- lation has worked in subsistence farming to date has prevented thus far the correct handling of artificially generated materials, primarily plastic bags and PET bottles. The arising domestic waste, which may contain hazardous substances alongside plastics, is traditionally burnt here, if it is not dumped somewhere in the countryside, often in rivers. Only the large cities have installed solid waste disposal sites. According to one estimate for example, only one half of the plastic waste arising in the Vientiane urban area is actually col- lected. The necessary financial means for the construction of a region-wide waste economy currently flow into the development plan, which aims by 2020 to raise Laos out of LDC status (Least Developed Country). So from the point of view of the government, the topic is not a high priority. But here too, the first counter-movements are arising, such as the Asia Founda- tion. These work with local authori- ties to communicate the topicality of the subject to the population, perform (pioneering) project work and also highlight the value of post-consumer waste alongside raising awareness for environmental protection.