Insider 11+12 / 2017
MATERIALS / RECYCLING PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 11+12/17 18 Michael Hofmann’s maxim is straight and to the point: “Bring tech- nology to the feedstock”. The Manag- ing Director of HydroDyn, which was founded five years ago, is convinced that this is the only way to tackle many of the problems that arise in the recycling circulation system. “The aim is to build a system which results in recycling materials that are in no way inferior to primary goods - but at a fraction of the price. This is what we aim to achieve by establishing the first added value step with the retailer or the sorting facility. Most problems arise only during subsequent logistics, so it is important to get our hands on the feedstock as early as possible.” The model constructed by Hydro- Dyn works with 20-foot containers that hold the entire technological system needed to generate flakes that can be further processed into recycled granu- late in final finishing systems oper- ated by specialised companies. These UCCs (Universal Compact Cleaners) can be configured to meet require- ments and constructed to save space – from the one or two-stage Turbo Washing Box to a granulator attach- ment or a Thermal Drying Unit and Water Treatment Unit. These compo- nents make the system suitable either for new installation in an industrial washing plant or for retrofitting in an existing system. The model is based on the idea that clean plastic flakes are already available at the retailer sorting hubs, long before weathering or the baling press can take their toll on the goods to be recycled. Hofmann continues: “We are offering the sector a tailored business model, which is economically rewarding for all par- ticipants in the process chain.” The compact construction of the system also facilitates its incorporation even into small businesses. The HydroDyn process The HydroDyn process is based on the principle of hydrodynamic friction cleaning. In combination with a high-turbulence water current, the HydroCleaner removes adher- ent organic dirt particles or adhe- sives from up to 3t of plastic waste per hour. The patented procedure even releases particles that conven- tional hot washing with caustic soda cannot shift, but can be added also by a smart hot postwash treatment with very low needs of energy and caustic soda. In a preliminary stage before cleaning, the model crushes the source material and separates other matter. In the PET bottle sector, the ValueSeparator can adjust this material separation precisely to suit the degree of soiling of the source feedstock. Density Separation is car- ried out by using a laminar flow pro- cedure combined with final flushing to achieve a pH 7 value. The end result is separation with 100% discrimina- tory power; as regards PET bottles, even of PP or HDPE lids without PET impurities. After the flakes have been sepa- rated from the contaminated process water, they are dried by dewatering with a PhaseSeparator and finally using the Mechanical Agitation Dryer (MAD) working with vacuum exhaust- ing. The process water can be reused in the circulatory system; it undergoes Compact technology for recycling facilities offers competent washing directly at sorting and collecting hubs Bringing technology to feedstock by Gabriele Kosmehl Heavily soiled source materials, composites with other polymers or aluminium cans that have been wedged firmly together with PET bottles in the baling press, complex logistics, varied-origin flakes – the recycling sector faces any number of challenges. The Hamburg company HydroDyn offers one solution that features much earlier in the process than other technologies on the market. It is applied directly where recyclables are collected: at the retailer or the sorting and collecting hub. Heart of the HydroDyn UCC System is the HydroCleaner with HydroFlush Feeder and Venturi Discharge. The cleaning efficiency is the highest available by lowest energy consumption and need of installation space. The HydroCleaner can be oper- ated as cold or hot wash even in caustic conditions. RECYCLING S P E C I A L