MARKET SURVEY 32 PETplanet Insider Vol. 18 No. 11+12/17 2-stage SBM machinery 2-stage SBM machinery Company name FlexBlow Amsler Equipment Inc. Serac Group Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Vytauto g. 114A, Kretinga, Lithuania +370 445 51431 Mr Gytis Sirvinskas Head of Export Dep. +370 62011 528
[email protected] 1245 Reid St., Unit 1 Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4B1G4 +1 905 707 6704 Ms Heidi Amsler Sales and Marketing Manager +1 905 707 6704
[email protected] 12, route de Mamers, BP 46, 72402 La Ferté Bernard, Cedex, France +33 243 6028 28 Mr Vincent Friart Blow Molding Division Manager +60 3 7847 2228
[email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number FlexBlow Linear Series - 6 Models (L12, L15, L22, L32, L407, L42, L42X) Linear Widemouth JAR Series - 2 Models (L16J, L25J) Linear Convertible Series - 2 Models (L32C, L42C) Linear Large Format Series - 3 Models (L110, LM120, L120C) Rotary Series - 2 Models (APT10, APT16) Serac Blow Linear 2. Bottle volume (from/to in litres) a) Standard machines 0.05 - 2 0.05 - 5 0.1 - 6 0.05 - 5 0.05 - 3 Up to 5 b) Machines for large containers 0.05 - 6 4 - 23 3. Maximum number of stretch-blow moulds (units) a) Standard machines 6 4 2 16 12 b) Machines for large containers 4 6 2 4 4. Output per stretch-blow mould for: 0.5 litres CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,600 1,800 1,800 1,500 1,200 1 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,500 1,400 - 1,800 1,400 - 1,800 1,250 - 1,500 1,200 1.5 litres still mineral water bottle (units per hour) 1,300 1,400 - 1,800 1,400 - 1,800 1,300 - 1,500 1,500 Large capacity container 1,100 300 (18.9l) 1,000 Other 800 - 1,600 3,000 (4l) 5. Footprint / space requirement (L x W x H in metres) 2.7 x 1.8 x 2.6 4.0 x 1.8 x 2.4 to 4.3 x 3.7 x 2.5 3.9 x 2.5 x 2.2 5.7 x 2.0 x 2.4 to 4.3 x 3.7 x 2.5 3.9 x 3.8 x 2.7 2.7 x 2.2 x 3.1 to 4.2 x 3.0 x 3.2 6.9 x 2.2 x 2.7 6. Special features (short description / keywords) Ultra-fast mould change, quick neck change, high ver- satility: hot-fill, wide mouth, oval shaped, deep grip, large size bottle production possibility on 1 machine accepts MAG & other moulds Hotfill, polypro- pelene Fully integrated with Serac fillers (Combox solution); no mechanical adjustement in change-overs; significant economical savings with air recovery system and low electricity consumption; preferential heating for flat, oval and complex shapes. Company name Sipa SpA Sacmi Kosme Gesellschaft mbH Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Via Caduti del Lavoro 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy +39 043 8911 511 Mr Paolo De Nardi Project leader/Stretch- Blow Molders Development +39 043 8911 624
[email protected] Via E. Ferrari 1 43058 Sorbolo PR, Italy +39 0542 607 111 Gewerbestr. 3, 2601 Sollenau, Austria +43 2628 411 0 Mr Johann Gugler Managing Director +43 2628 411 125
[email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number Rotary Blowmoulders XTRA: 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 (4 models), SFR EVO Cube: 16 - 20 -24 (3 models) Linear Blowmoulder SFL 6 (5 models), SFL4 (3 models), SFL 4 wide mouth (4 models), SFL 2/2 & SFL 1 (2 models) sbf Rotary machines (8 models) 2. Bottle volume (from/to in litres) a) Standard machines 0.25 - 3.5 0.25 - 3.5 3 0.05 - 3.0 b) Machines for large containers 5 - 30 0.5 - 6.0 3. Maximum number of stretch-blow moulds (units) a) Standard machines 24 8 18 8 b) Machines for large containers 2 6 4. Output per stretch-blow mould for: 0.5 litres CSD bottle (units per hour) 2,550 per cavity - up to 54,000 bph 1,800 bhc 4,500bph/mould 2,300 1 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 2,550 per cavity 1,600 bhc 2,250bph/mould 2,300 1.5 litres still mineral water bottle (units per hour) 2,550 per cavity 1,650 bhc 2,250bph/mould 2,200 Large capacity container 650 bhc 1,250 Other 5. Footprint / space requirement (L x W x H in metres) 10.8 x 5.6 x 3.3 6.05 x 3.85 x 3.25 (without preform feeding system) 6. Special features (short description/keywords) Best output 2,550 bph/cav. with pro- cess angle: easy to blow. Reduced TCO: lower air & energy consump- tion (-25%). Quick mould changeover time, simple use & maintenance. Bottles for water, oil, csd, heat resistant, oval symmetric & asymmetric, with pref- erential heating, neck orientation, with handle, wide mouth (up to 130mm NF), large size (up to 30l), OPP and PLA Double cavity technol- ogy up to 70mm bottle diameter Active neck cooling; patented modular oven (low evergy consumption); block ver- sion with fillers for all sizes avbl.; ProShape technology available for oval bottles with an output of up to 2,000bph/cavity