Insider 11+12 / 2017

MAINTENANCE PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 11+12/17 37 ing substances or harmful gases for employees to be exposed to - and also no direct contact with the sharp- edged tool. Tailored application solutions With the Aero 80FP model designed specifically for the PET sector, Cold Jet offers a cleaning solu- tion to which different nozzles can be applied using a quick change system. The selection of specially designed nozzles for PET processors, for exam- ple for cavity tamper, hot runner, neck ring vents or inner side cavity, simpli- fies the cleaning of hard to access parts of the tool. Depending on the type and degree of soiling, the pat- ented MERN nozzles can be adjusted variably as regards the size of the dry ice particles; while tough contami- nants are handled with pellet-sized particles, precise cleaning methods with delicate fragmentation of the ice can be used on delicate substrates. A 360° round cavity nozzle has likewise been developed for delicate areas such as the lock ring taper and cavity taper, air vents and air holes, which are affected particularly quickly during production. Compared with manual cleaning, the efficient dry ice cleaning proce- dure quickly shows its worth economi- cally over a year, as Kalisch indicates: “If we take a 96 cavity on a basis of 360 mould cycles, this adds up with a weekly saved cleaning time of 2 hours to 3,594,240 preforms per year that would not otherwise have been pro- duced. Even if the savings in labour costs or the extended equipment life time are taken out of the picture, the purchasing costs for our system are swiftly paid off – for a system of 5 IMM (Injection Moulding Machines) with 96 cavities in just 6 months!” In response to the question of where the dry ice used for cleaning actually comes from, Kalisch says: “The dry ice itself is no problem to procure and keeps for up to seven days in the tank it is delivered in. The requirements are easy to plan for, based on the assumption that a tool can be cleaned completely with 40-60kg.” Any dry ice loaded into the system but not yet needed, is simply drained out via a tilt-out hopper for later re-use. And for companies with very high usage requirements, Cold Jet also offers dry ice production sys- tems adapted to capacity needs. The Coldjet company was founded in the USA in 1986 and has its global headquarters in Loveland, Ohio. Subsidiaries are in Zellik, Belgium, where today’s European headquarters are located, as well as in Denmark, France, Germany, Spain and Poland. In Denmark and Poland, there are also engi- neering, assembly and manufacturing facilities for the Cold Jet line of dry ice cleaning and production equipment. Dry ice cleaning solutions from Cold Jet are used in the widest variety of industry sectors in more than 85 countries and more than 35 industries, for example in the food, automotive and tyre industries. With around 70% of the turnover, the plastics industry represents the largest purchasing industry. Dry ice is an approved media by the EPA, FDA and USDA. Areas to clean in a preform mould PET mould cleaning with dry ice PET mould cleaning ROI for 5 injection moulding machines Lock ring cleaning