Insider 11+12 / 2017

PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 11+12/17 52 PET bottles Beverage + Liquid Food A pomegranate juice from Aldi South Aldi South has brought out a freshly pressed 100% natural and gently heat-treated pomegran- ate juice onto the retail shelves under its own “rio d’oro” brand. A clear, shapely 500ml bottle was the chosen packaging. In order to draw attention to this new product on the retail shelf, the bottle is decorated with a distinctively col- oured sleeve label which allows a direct view of the product through a circular, wave-shaped transpar- ent window and iconic picture of a pomegranate. An organic soft drink from Christinen The German drinks’ manufacturer, Teutoburger Mineralbrunnel Ltd and Co. KG, is selling an organic soft drink with lime concentrate called “Bio Limette Medium” under the Christinen brand name. The drink is made from organically farmed limes with added natural citrus flavour. The light bluish 1-litre PET bottle has a firm grip area and is made from 55% recycled mate- rial which is appropriate for an organic drink. A wrap-round paper label and green screw top with a tamper-proof strip complete the packaging. MATTHEW BARBER GLOBAL POLYMER GROUP EVENT SUPPORTERS: PRSEVENTEUROPE.COM PLASTICS RECYCLING AWARDS EUROPE 2018 THE DEDICATED PAN EUROPEAN EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE FOR THE PLASTICS RECYCLING INDUSTRY. INTRODUCING ORGANISERS: BOOK YOUR STAND TODAY : +44 (0)1622 370570