Insider 01+02 / 2018
PREFORM PRODUCTION PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 01+02/18 13 Pescher : Daily production proce- dures are not significantly changed as a result. Extra effort goes into ensur- ing that both preforms and material are properly controlled as the require- ments go beyond the legally pre- scribed level. PETplanet: Which criteria have to be used? Pescher: There is an increased focus on quality control for the incom- ing PET recycling materials. There are higher expectations in regards to volatile organic compound (VOC) parameters to be controlled more frequently (per batch) on the supplier site. The same more detailed testing is done with the preforms that we pro- duce in house and in addition we con- trol the quality of the PET recyclates in more depth and more often. PETplanet: Are the criteria appli- cable to every preform? I am thinking here of, say, multi-layer? Pescher: All types of monolayer preforms are suitable for preforms into which the desired combination of new material and recyclates are added. Multi-layer preforms can be produced according to quality criteria in excep- tional circumstances but they repre- sent a niche. The problem with multi- layer preforms is that, depending on the barrier material used, the preforms cannot be recycled. The materials that can be added are defined within the quality criteria. Specifically, a multi- layer preform with a polyamide bar- rier would not be so recyclable as to maintain an acceptable quality in the material/product cycle. Consequently, this preform is not suitable. PETplanet: RAL is Alpla’s cer- tificate as well as an international company. Are the guidelines for the certification mark being adopted at international plants? Pescher: The certificate standards can be met at any site. In all our sites we follow the general quality require- ments set by ISO 9001 and ensure con- formity to EU-VO 10/2011. For applying the RAL certification mark there has to be a commitment to sustainable actions on the part of both customers and retail- ers. Alpla is more than willing to support partners throughout the whole food and beverage industry by supplying produce fulfilling the RAL certification mark guidelines. Depiction of the PET drinks’ packaging value chain MANAGE PREFORM VARIANCES CONTACT US TODAY TO LEARN MORE! AGRINTL.COM | +1.724.482.2163 |
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