Insider 01+02 / 2018

PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 01+02/18 39 TRADE SHOW REVIEW Energy savings through control The control system, based on a Siemens Delta S4, features a sophis- ticated compressor management system that allows data visualisation of each single compressor. It is able to implement any of the above-men- tioned energy saving devices; allows the automatic selection of the most suitable compressor (or compressors) to meet fluctuating air demands and/ or air blowing requirements. For example, when the first pre- forms enter the oven and needs to be blown at 40 bar, the blow moulding machine sends a signal to the com- pressor’s control system to start the compressor. Once started and in the correct status the compressor sends a signal to the blow moulding machine to start the blowing process. This not only reduces off load time but also prevents preform waste, as sufficient air pressure to blow the preforms is always provided. A smooth start-up with no stress on the belts is assured. Pressure settings can also be adjusted to a certain bottle type. The operator simply changes the bottle type in the control of the blow mould- ing machine; it then sends a signal to the compressor, which selects the appropriate pressure table. Example:  Bottle 1 blown at 35 bar: Pressure table 1 ► Pmin = 35 b, Pmax = 37 b  Bottle 2 blown at 28 bar: Pressure table 2 ► Pmin = 28 b, Pmax = 30 b  Bottle 3 blown at 22 bar: Pressure table 1 ► Pmin = 22 b, Pmax = 24 b Working Principle of the Heat Recovery System 90°C and the compressor itself runs with a smaller water cooling system. Potential savings with this heat recovery system are significant: A 200kW compressor running 6,000h/a, with energy priced at 0.05€/kWh can achieve savings of 48,000€. AF Com- pressors offers an external skid heat recovery system for the 40°C range. It includes a dismountable, stain- less steel plate exchanger and a 500l water receiver; it is delivered ready to use. The skid system comes with plug and play fittings for easy connection to the customer’s water circuit.