Insider 03 / 2018
BOTTLING / FILLING 27 PET planet Insider Vol. 19 monobloc. Flextronic C is suitable for filling CSDs, still and sparkling min- eral waters, cold- and hot-fill juices. The configuration of the valve makes it suitable for processing products containing pulps and fibres. On top of all this, maintenance is claimed to be very straightforward. An ideal configuration for Flex- tronic fillers is Xfill. Here, the carbon- ating or mixing unit tank can be used as a buffer tank for the filler, which has no on-board product tank. A pump sends the product to a ring-shaped manifold in order to ensure that the product is fed into the filling valve correctly. This provides numerous advantages, including: reduction in product loss (less than 100l during fla- vour change); the integration of the mixing and filling units produces a final product that is of higher quality and more stable, result- ing in an improved filling process; reduction of product change-over downtime (ideally under 15min with water rinsing); lower electrical power consumption, thanks to the light weight design; lower consumption of carbon dioxide (typically 10% less); lower product losses from snift circuit; improved performance at filler start-up. Flextronic is also avail- able in a version with a central tank equipped with a stirrer, for treating pulp- containing products.