MARKET SURVEY 29 PETplanet Insider Vol. 19 No. 03/18 Sacmi Imola Sipa Husky Injection Molding Systems Via Provinciale Selice 17/A Italy +39 0542 607 111 Mr Moraldo Masi Director of Business Unit PET +39 0542 607 888
[email protected] Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy +39 0438911 511 Mr Stefano Baldassar Sales Director, Preform Systems & Tooling +39 0438911 511
[email protected] 500 Queen Street South Bolton, ON, L7E 5S5 Canada +1 905 951 5000 Mr Pierre Pruvost Business Development Manager - PET Systems
[email protected] IPS220 IPS400 XForm 350 XForm 500 GEN3 H-PETAE HyPET HyPET HPP5 16 - 72 48 - 128 8/128 8/180 2 - 48 cavities 6/144 (in standard matrix) 48/144 (in standard matrix) 140g 140g 750 750 Dependent on number of cavities and preform design 83g (dependent on number of cavities and preform design) 102g (dependent on number of cavities and preform design) 625kg/h 1,250kg/h 1,350kg/h 1,350kg/h 448kg/h 1,470kg/h 1,700kg/h injection cylinder (shooting pot) electrical drive for plasticising screw injection cylinder (shooting pot) electrical drive for plasticising screw XFORM 350-500 GEN3: Reduced lock-to-lock; full legacy tooling compat- ibility; reduced energy consumpiton Cost effective, all-electric, com- plete preform moulding system (including machine, mould, robot, full auxiliaries), low system energy consumption Performance enhancement, energy efficiency, system robustness, faster controls Performance package, increased uptime and tooling life, reduced maintenance package with alignment features and self-cleaning technology T-belt for preforms extraction, belt free robot linear motor with KERS, 3 post-cooling stations, HMI with control, double cylinder ejection, digital valves for each actuator, water unload- ing system prior to mould changing Direct unloading from gripper plate, belt free robot linear motor with KERS, 4 post cooling stations, HMI with control, boosters on moving platen for first phase ejection, digital valves for each actuator, water unloading system prior to mould changing XForm 350-500 GEN3: XP technology, LongLife, XMold for ultra-thin preform injection capabil- ity, wide-mouth preforms capability Integrated auxiliary controls (HMI), mould change with split gate & magnetic platen option, stripper ring mould technology for wm applications, <30mm to 180mm neck finishes as standard Adaptive post-mould cooling, performance packages Multi-Layer technology, flexibility package, high cavitation option, compatibility packages, >30mm performance package, injection completion during power outage R&D/Leverage Otto Hofstetter AG PETform Steelmades Sipa Molds Husky Injection Molding Systems Leverage House, Hamilton Rd, Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG175LD, Great Britain +44 1623 556 287 Mr Alan Tolley Managing Director +44 1623 552 240
[email protected] Zürcherstrasse 73, 8730 Uznach Switzerland +41 55 285 22 11 Mr Stefan Zatti Division Manager Sales & Mktg +41 55 285 22 09
[email protected] 54 Daman Industrial Estate Kadaiya, Daman 396210, India Mr Shurid Mody CEO +91 9769758634
[email protected] B/14, Ghatkopar Industrial Estate, Off LBS Road, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai - 400086, India +91 22 25007774 Mr Vipul Mehta Design & Marketing +91 9323907 774 s
[email protected] Via Caduti del Lavoro 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto Italy +39 0438911 511 Mr Stefano Baldassar SalesDir.,PreformSystems&Tooling +39 0438911 511
[email protected] 500 Queen Street South - Bolton, ON L7E 5S5 Canada +1 905 951 5000 Mr Raphael Juvan Business Development Leader, PET Tooling
[email protected] 1 through 96 2 up to 192 96 Up to 96 cavity (cold half) Up to 192 6 to 144 24mm through 63mm neck, 12g through 350g weight Up to 500g Any size 28mm neck Up to 30l Threads up to 100mm in diameter and up to 205mm in length Husky, BM Biraghi, Milacron, Engel, Krupp, Krauss-Maffei Netstal, Arburg, BMB, Husky Husky, Netstal, Sipa, Sacmi, SIG, Milacron, Demag MHT, Husky, Mould Master Sipa, Husky, Netstal, Krauss- Maffei Moulds to support all preform designs and output requirements 2 up to 112 96 Up to 48 cavity (Cold half) Up to 96 Up to 500g Any size 28mm neck Up to 10l Arburg, Krauss-Maffei Krauss Maffei & Nissei ASB PM Series MHT, ASB, Aoki Standard and custom Sipa, Krauss-Maffei Yes No Yes. We manufacture preform & blow moulds No Yes, for Sipa machines Tooling suppliers for single stage, injection stretch blow moulding ISBM. Product solution laboratory with Nissei and Aoki machines for product, colour, material trials plus production tool qualification. Multilayer moulds up to 72cav, moulds for PP, for thinwall pack- aging and cartridges and tubes Hot runner sys PET preform mould up to 48 cavity for all IMM HyPET preform injection molding system delivers reduced variabil- ity and increased part quality with lowest energy consumption