Insider 04 / 2018
imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Bunsenstr. 14 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28
[email protected] EDITORIAL Kay Barton Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Waldemar Schmitke Anthony Withers
[email protected] MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann
[email protected] Johann Lange-Brock
[email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur | Matthias Gaumann READER SERVICES Till Kretner
[email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck & Verlag GmbH Werkstr. 25 67354 Römerberg Germany WWW | PETplanet Insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ sub- scription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 04/18 It is that time again. In conjunction with the NPE, the Editourmobil will be visiting companies across North America. It starts with an interview with John Galt, only the second CEO at Husky since the company was formed 65 years ago. We asked him about the changes in ownership during his tenure, about new technologies, the competition and the secret of his success. He has a simple yet clear answer: “Don’t talk, listen!”. The Editourmobil is currently heading along the west coast from Seattle to San Diego. Here on the west coast, the severe drought of recent years has significantly altered the people’s relationship with and understanding of water. Packaged water is currently experiencing something of a boom. Every child in California now knows that drinking a glass of water from the tap uses three times as much water as drinking the same glass out of a PET bottle. However, it is not just ordinary, low-priced packaged water, but particularly premium water, which is in increasing demand. While premium water came from abroad a few years ago, a significant group of local waters has now emerged, with 100 new brands being added each year, only 5% of which are likely to survive in the market. Although the focus of this and future editions is and will be on North America, I would just like to mention Chinaplas. Chinese trade fairs are leading the way in Asia which is reason enough for us to be there. Yours Alexander Büchler Dear friends of PETplaner Insider, The Editourmobil is back on the road!