Insider 04 / 2018

MARKET SURVEY 44 PETplanet Insider Vol. 19 No. 04/18 04/2018 MARKET survey Resins & additives  Preform machinery  Preform production Preform inspection SBM 2-stage Compressors Filling equipment & filling inspection Caps & closures and inspection Palletising & shrink film machinery Recycling Suppliers of PET preforms To complement this exciting trade fair issue of PETplanet Insider we choose to present you the state of the art preform manufacturers with their product range and innovations! 17 companies from 13 different countries taking part: PET-Verpackungen GmbH, Hodmeter, National Group, SGT, PDG Plastiques, Resilux, UAB Terekas, Plastipak, Empacar S.A., Alpla, Novapet, Hokkan Indonesia, Köksan PET Preform Industry, Gulf Packaging Systems-3P Gulf Group, Energo PET,Retal Group and Chemco Plastics Industries. Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. Company name PET-Verpackungen GmbH Deutschland Hodmeter National Polyplast (India) Ltd Société Générale des Techniques (SGT) Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-mail Gewerbegebiet 4 98701 Großbreitenbach, Germany +49 36781 48044 00 Mr Hubert Rebhan Business Development/Key Account +49 36781 48044 52 [email protected] 140 rue Louis Pasteur 76160 Darnétal, France + 33 950 373 373 Mr Antoine Brémilts Director + 33. 684 633 154 [email protected] 44, Pantheon Road,Thiru, Compelx, 2 nd Floor, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008, India +91 44 434043 40 Mr Alok Parakh Director +91 44 434043 40 [email protected] 3 Rue de l’Île Macé 44412 Rezé, France +33 2 40 05 09 37 Mrs Le Claire Sales Administration Manager +33 2 40 05 02 88 [email protected] Preforms Multilayer preforms (Yes/No) Yes No No Yes PEN prefoms (Yes/No) Upon request No Upon request No Preforms in alternative materi- als (PP/PLA/PEF) - Which? Upon request No Upon request No Preforms incorporating rPET (rPET content in %) Up to 100% No No From 0% to 100% (according to the client request) List of additives available Colours, oxygen scavengers, UV-blockers, slip-agents, AA-scavengers, brighteners, PA-based barriers Colours, Oxygen scavengers, UV- blockers, slip-agents, AA-scavengers, brighteners, PA-based barriers All colours, UV blocker, AA reducer, O 2 scavenger, CO 2 scavenger, reheat additive, white colour for UHT milk, gliding agent Preform range PET-Verpackungen provides standard preforms with 28mm PCO1810 & PCO1881 finish from 14.5g to 54g. For German market, preforms with 28mm PCO1810 & PCO1881 PETCYCLE-finish. 38mm 2-Start and 3-Start Bericap preforms for wide mouth applications as well as 29-21 finish for flip top caps. Preforms for hotfill applications, for large containers 60g, 92g and 98g preforms with Bericap 48-41. Enhanced barrier protection, the majority of the preforms are available as multilayer with tailor-made barrier properties. 700g for 5 gallon bottle with 55mm neck Specially designed for 5 gallon bottle with a stretch ratio of 7,3; injected with a dedicated PET material made in Europe; with a 55mm neck with optional ring for some automatic line; we are also injecting PET side handle for related bottle PCO1810 (23.5 to 56g); PCO1881 (11.4 to 54.7g); 30/25 (22g); Novembal 267 (10.6 to 21g); 38mm Bericap for milk Neck finish: 27/31, 45g; 55mm, 650g; 55mm S, 650g; 30/25 High neck and Low neck: 13-44g; 30/25 BB Light, 22,50-28g; 29/25 (without step):9.3-35.8g; 29/25, 9.5-36g; 28 PCO 1810, 16-52.5g; PCO 1881,14.4-50g; 28 BPF, 20.5-53g; 38mm 42/36, 14-44g; 38mm 43/36, 14-16g; 28/410 anti back off system; BVS 30 H, 40-53.5g; CRC63, 400-450g.