Insider 04 / 2018

51 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 04/18 Advanced pelletisers Maag, a leading global manufacturer of gear pumps, pelletising and filtration systems as well as pulverisers for challenging appli- cations, is highlighting pelletising systems for plastic producers, compounders and recyclers. Chinaplas is also Maag’s first joint appearance with Ettlinger, a manufacturer of high-performance melt filters for recycling applications which was acquired by Maag since the beginning of the year. The pelletising systems presented at the show focus on the Zhuli, Pearlo, Baoli and M-USG series.  Maag’s Zhuli underwater pelletising system was expanded with the new Zhuli MAP, building upon the ZHULI SLC (SLC stands for Spring Loaded Cutters) which was introduced in 2017 and is the cost-effective basic system for numerous standard applications with low to medium throughput. While the knives in the SLC type are pressed against the die with a permanently selected spring pressure, the pressure of the knives against the die in the new MAP type (Manual Adjustable Pelletiser) is vari- ably adjustable. This option extends the application range by making it possible to adapt to the relevant process parameters.  Pearlo is the high-performance underwater pelletising system from Maag for making spherical pellets. It combines technolo- gies from the previously independent companies Gala and Automatik for efficient and flexible use in challenging applications with throughput of up to 36,000kg/h. Compact and modularly designed, it requires only a very small footprint in production. Electronically controlled EAC technology guarantees precise feed of the pelletising knives during operation, thereby ensuring long runtimes free of interruptions with consistently high pellet quality.  Baoli dry-cut pelletisers for compounding and recycling hard and soft materials are available at Chinaplas in the 3 rd , completely revised generation. With working widths up to 300mm, they are designed for processing up to 75 polymer strands into cylindrical pellets from 1.5mm to 5mm in length. Their advantages com- pared to previously available versions include the more compact design and good accessibility for cleaning as well as variable height adjustment and control elements optionally positioned on the left or right side for added operational flexibility.  The M-USG underwater strand pelletisers are the flagship of Maag pelletisers for making raw plastic materials such as PET, PA and PC. With throughputs of up to 20,000kg/h, they stand for consistent pellet quality, high system availability due to the quick-change cutting head, a high level of automation, long ser- vice life of the wear-resistant cutting tools and good accessibility for convenient operation and maintenance, says the company. SDWHQWV UHVHDUFKHUV DQG WHFKQLFLDQV LQVWDOOHG SODQWV EUDQFKHV ZRUOGZLGH ,I ZH KDGQêW JRQH VR IDU ZH ZRXOGQêW EH VR QHDU <RXU IXWXUH VHHQ IURP QHDU Hall 2 Booth P83 M-USG underwater strand pelletiser