Insider 04 / 2018
60 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 04/18 Technical Forum at NPE 2018 hosted by PETplanet Insider On this year’s Technical Forum NPE 2018 - taking place for the first time - you will learn about new and emerging technologies, about market trends and new directions proven business strategies working today. These are the experts talking about their experience and strategies of their every days challenges and future trends. Exhibiting Company Session Title Speaker(s) ABC Compressors HORIZON 2019 Richard Zhang Agr International, Inc. PET Process Automation - Easy as 1-2-3 David Dineff Conair Capture the future of PET: What will drying technology look like in 5 years? Chris Weinrich Dow Chemical Company Caps and Closures Trends for 2018 Mandy Craig and John Sugden Frigel North America High Efficiency Process Cooling Lou Zavala Husky Injection Molding Systems Unlocking opportunities with next generation engineered PET packages Sean Hoy Improving Overall Efficiency – How Close Collaboration and Focus on the Right KPIs Can Generate Dramatic Results John Quail How Multi-Layer Technology is enabling growth in PET packag- ing Dave Morton Inherent Closure Features that Enhance Closure Performance and Appeal Mike White ISBT Trends in Beverage Plastic Packaging Ron Puvak ISBT’s Online Beverage Institute Sara Shumpert Lanfranchi North America Switch to PET: The Best Solution for Most of Your Packaging Lucia Comper and Giovanni Renati Moretto USA LLC EUREKA PLUS: Modular, Energy-Saving, Resin Dehumidifica- tion System for PET Eugene “Gene” Flockerzi Nissei ASB Containers for Hot Filling and Pasteurizing- A Full Overview of the Challenges and ASB’s Solutions Speaker tbc ASB Technical Support Center Capabilities Speaker tbc Guidelines and Constraints for Optimal ISBM Container Design Speaker tbc One Step ISBM 101 Speaker tbc SIPA The Importance of a Fast and Cost-Effective Response in Plas- tic Industry Morris De Marchi PET Preform Manufacturing in the Era of Circular Economy Enrico Gribaudo Tech-Long Packaging Machinery Preform and Bottle Manufacturing – A turnkey approach from Tech-Long Keith Boss and Fred Pinczuk W. Amsler Equipment Linear Blow Molding of Non-Conventional Barrier Containers Bruce Coxhead