Insider 04 / 2018
TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 04/18 72 Gneuss Processing Unit (GPU) for 2,000lbs/h of rPET Filtration, extrusion and measurement technology Gneuss Extrusion Technology will show a Gneuss Processing Unit (GPU) including a Multi Rotation System MRS 130 extruder, a fully automatic melt filtration system RSFgenius 150 and an online viscometer VIS, for the processing of 2,000lbs/h of undried and uncrystallised polyester (PET). West Hall 6473 Sheet extrusion line with Multi Rotation Extruder MRS, Rotary Filtration System RSFgenius, Online Viscometer VIS and PET foam module The Gneuss Processing Unit (GPU) has been available for several years now and has proven itself for the reprocessing of bulky PET waste without pre-drying. A Gneuss Pro- cessing Unit consists of a Gneuss MRS extruder with its unmatched devolatilisation and decontamination performance in combination with a highly-efficient Gneuss Rotary Filtra- tion System and an online viscometer VIS for intelligent dynamic viscosity control. The line in Orlando will be delivered to a customer in the U.S. after the show to process 2.000lbs/h of rPET into a thermoforming sheet. Although originally developed spe- cifically for PET, the MRS is now also running in polyolefin and nylon appli- cations, and being tested on a range of other materials and applications. Thanks to the patented combination of single screw extruder with a multiple screw section, the extruder is sturdy and well suited for recycling applica- tions. The MRS extruder permits the processing of PET without pre-drying by using a simple water ring vacuum system to process the material directly to high quality end products. This is achieved by means of its unique and patented processing section. Based on a conventional single screw extruder, the Multi Rotation Section is a drum containing eight satellite single screws, driven by a ring gear and pinion transmission. The “barrels” cut into the drum are approximately 30% open and provide optimum exposure of the melt. Thanks to this design, the devola- tilising performance is approximately fifty times greater than that of a con- ventional single screw extruder – and this at a vacuum of only 25 to 40mbar. By avoiding the need for a deep vacuum system and pre-drying, the MRS is an economically alternative to conventional technologies. Further arguments besides energy savings are the simple and rugged design, small footprint, its ease of operation and low maintenance, processing flex- ibility and the melt quality and homo- geneity. One area this technology has been especially successful is in PET sheet extrusion. Besides producing high quality rigid sheet, Gneuss now also offers the option for its PET sheet extrusion lines to quickly and flexibly switch to producing physically foamed PET sheet with the addition of the new PET foam module. Foam sheet with a weight reduction of 50% can be extruded (depending on the process) with a consistent foam structure and mechanical properties. And this from up to 100% post-consumer material. Strong and consistent growth in North America has allowed the com- pany to move forward with an expan- sion of its US facilities in Matthews, NC. The larger facilities offer a larger laboratory as well as more space for spare parts.