Insider 04 / 2018

PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 04/18 76 PET bottles Home + Personal Care Environmental awareness from Aldi Under its own brand “Zekol”, Aldi Süd is launching a particularly environmentally friendly kitchen cleaner with scent of orange blossom and the endorsement “Environ- mentally Aware”. According to the printed statement, the light orange coloured product contains a plant-based surfactant of European origin that conforms to the requirements of the EU Ecolabel ( It is also stamped with the “Blue Angel” seal for ecological products. The clear, easy-grip bottle is made from 100% recycled plastic, holds 750ml and is combined with a screwed-on lockable trigger. “The General” as spray cleaner Recently, the well-known all-purpose cleaner “The Gen- eral” from Henkel has become available in a spray variety. The product is advertised with the description “Spray – Wipe – Done” with the first wipe. The white easy-grip bottle of the “Mountain spring” scent has the pump spray often used by Henkel. It clips on to the opening and features improved func- tion and handling. The spray head is locked and unlocked by twisting it 180° and the white lateral slider enables switching between spray or foam. Suprême Perfume Pearls from Vernel Following the trend for washing scents, an increasing number of washing detergent and fabric softener manufac- turers are launching granulated or pearl-shaped additives under their own brand names to keep laundry scented more intensively for longer. Under the brand “Vernel” and the name Suprême Perfume Pearls, Henkel is selling three differently scented varieties that promise fragrance for up to 20 weeks in a clear, easy-grip, contoured PET bottle that holds 260g. The container is sealed with a screw cap with two small openings, allowing the consumer to smell the scent in store on the shelf without taking this off. There is also a protective cap that functions as a dosing aid. Aromatic air is released from inside when the bottle is pressed. The bottle is decorated with a full sleeve label.