Insider 04 / 2018
PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 04/18 79 BOTTLES “Naked” smoothies in Germany In cooperation with PepsiCo and following success in America, the German Uplegger Food Com- pany is bringing the smoothie brand “Naked” to German chiller shelves. Under the names Red Machine, Blue Machine and Green Machine, the juices with high apple juice con- tent are combined with ingredients such as linseed, spirulina, spinach, wheatgrass and other vegetables and vitamins. The square, clear and sturdy bottles with rounded corners hold 450ml, are decorated with a transparent foil label and are sealed with a tamper-evident screw cap with brand name embossing. 100% NFC juice from Aldi Süd In a promotion, Aldi Süd is bringing two new NFC juices onto its chiller shelves under its own brand “rio d’oro”. The vegan juices Apple/ Raspberry/Chokeberry and Orange/Mango consist of 100% NFC juice and are available in clear 1l bottles. The matt printed paper label has a rough easy-grip surface; in this area, the thin-walled bottle has reinforcement ridges for stabilisation. The gener- ous opening is sealed with an opaque screw cap with guarantee band.
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