Insider 09 / 2018

BOTTLE MAKING 15 PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 09/18 overs can be made in a short space of time. Operators can switch from the PH function for oval bottles to standard heat- ing and back at the press of a button. New bottle design for more success at the POS On its current generation of machinery Sarl Amir 2000 now pro- duces one round and two different oval bottles. All three were redesigned AF COMPRESSORS HIGH & LOW PRESSURE OIL FREE AIR SOLUTIONS THE WORLD LEADER OF PET COMPRESSORS +6000 oil free piston PET compressors in +175 countries when the old plant engineering was replaced. In its Bottles and Shapes program KHS designs contain- ers to suit the individual demands of manufacturers and consumers. KHS’ designer first submitted hand- drawn suggestions to the Algerian detergent manufacturer which the partners then jointly put into practice following the assessment thereof. The more modern designs not only appeal to buyers at the point of sale but also save on resources by using less material. In combination with new stretch blow moulder, Sarl Amir 2000 is thus lowering its costs per bottle. “Our InnoPET Blomax Series IV runs at more or less top capacity from 8a.m. to 4p.m. every day,” states Bordji. “In a very short time indeed we’re thus producing more and higher quality bottles than before.” Thanks to the machine’s high availability personnel planning has also become much easier. As manual infeed is now a thing of the past and fewer operators are required, the manufacturer has been able to free up capacities for other tasks. “How- ever, what’s far more important than all of these advantages is that we’re also noticing an effect on the shelves,” says Bordji. Customers have received the new designs very well which contribute to the positive, high-quality image of the entire brand. “With this we’re also setting ourselves apart from the com- petition – which can help us to achieve further growth on a saturated market,” concludes Bordji.