Insider 09 / 2018

COMPRESSORS PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 09/18 32 Monitoring and control devices integrated into the compressors allow users to choose between five differ- ent control modes. They minimise idle time and switching losses, depending on whether a com- pressor is used to cover base or peak loads. In larger com- pressed air stations, higher-level master control systems with management functions ensure the optimal interplay of individual compressors and per- fectly coordinate their operation with the compressed air demand. Dry-compression rotary screw compressors with variable speed control using a frequency converter. When these systems are used in combination with constant-speed compressors, energy savings of up to 25% and more can be achieved. Analysis yields an optimal set-up Based on the air demand analysis (ADA) using Kaeser’s proprietary Kess software, the compressed air specialists concluded that the ideal system set-up for Christinen-Brunnen was two CSG 130-2 SFC air- cooled, dry-compression rotary screw compressors (7.5 bar) with a two-stage screw compressor block. Each compressor feeds an energy-saving Sectotec TF 173 refrigeration dryer before the dried air is purified in an FE-177 D microfilter and released into the network. Asked about his new compressed air supply, plant manager Peter Wohlberg is all smiles. Now it takes just two compressors to match the performance of eight systems from another provider in the previous installation. As Wohlberg explains, that means more than energy savings when producing and treating compressed air. It has brought a 75% reduction in the maintenance and servicing costs, and has completely eliminated the costs for providing and operating the coolant system for the old water-cooled equipment. The Kaeser compressors are air cooled and require no elaborate additional installations. Moreover, the warm exhaust air is practically recycled. It is used to heat the production halls adjacent to the compressor station, thus saving heating costs. Peter Wohlberg is confident that the compressed air system will pay for itself in well under two years. D 16. – 20. OCTOBER 2018 a FRIEDRICHSHAFEN The Entire World of Plastics International trade fair for plastics processing @ B g + 49 (0) 7025 9206-0 [email protected] Organizer: P. E. SCHALL GmbH & Co. KG 26 th Fakuma ! More than 1700 exhibitors from all over the world will present global offerings for technologies, processes and products made of plastic, as well as equipment and tooling for pla- stics processing, in 12 exhibition halls. You’ll be awaited by flexible, individualised solu- tions for current and future challenges faced by the automated, globalised economy. 4 Injection moulding machines 4 Thermal shaping technology 4 Extrusion plants 4 Tool systems 4 Materials and components