Insider 10 / 2018
MOULD MAKING PET planet Insider Vol. 18 No. 0/17 13 “Our customers come to R&D simply because we are one of very few com- panies – maybe the only one in the world – that can offer the whole range. We can assist with the upfront evalu- ation. We will tell them what cavitation they could run and on what machine. We’ll give them all the technical speci- fication and if there are any potential issues, we will tell them and what they have to change.” R&D Lever- age can produce a single-cavity pilot tool should the customer require this or it is seen to be required by R&D to “This year, we are about 40% up on sales. Revenues were over a mil- lion Pounds in February, in March and probably April, too. It’s great but all of a sudden, we’re creaking at the raft- ers,” he said, with a laugh. Success brings its own challenges; abso- lute profit margin has been trimmed because of the need to ensure deliv- ery of the new orders, on time and in full – which means more staff, more subcontractors and more expense. But they are challenges he is happy to take on. The fall in the value of Ster- ling has been a help. “We still have to be competitive but people recognise that our tools are very good.” There will always be someone who will offer to do the job cheaper but Tolley is prepared to say ‘no’ to unprofitable work; R&D Leverage’s reputation is for quality and reliability, sustained by a strategy of investment and a clear focus on excellence. prove the quality or supply bottles or jars for filling, labelling, capping line trials, from this point to production tooling. The customer can come in with an idea and, ultimately, leave with a finished product and the tooling to produce it in commercial quantities. Inside R&D’s UK site Besides tools for a range of one stage ISBM, R&D has also a wealth of experi- ence in two-stage blow moulds or hot runner manifolds.