Insider 10 / 2018

MOULD MAKING PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 10/18 21 reduction of the carbon footprint and its impact on the environment. Collaboration with Sipa was cru- cial when conducting a real opera- tional test with a 1,500 ml CSD bottle at 2,550b/m/h, says Moldintec. Last September, a test lasting three full days was carried out in the Sipa headquar- ters laboratory facility. It demonstrated the high process capabilities of the blower and pushed the Moldintec bases to their limits. The first test day was fully dedicated to BaseMaxLaser; the advanced geom- etry of the BaseMax petaloid is perfectly copiable although at extremely low pressures. Test runs have shown 100% copying of the standing and heel area, obtaining successful results when run- ning at the maximum machine speed of 2,550 b/m/h @24bars. The primary objective was a perfect and smooth material distribution for a 7g base. The second day offered the oppor- tunity to test BaseMaxHybrid. Start- ing from 2,000b/m/h @20bars up to the peak speed of 2,550b/m/h, it used several processing options like variable blowing timing, heating, stretch rod speed and base weight. “The super flexible process control of the Xtra allows us to emphasise the BaseMax capabilities, producing many material distribution profiles. The Xtra oven offers a bonus when BaseMax requires heating on a specific zone of the preform to go down with the pres- sure”, says Engineer Nicola Brugnera, head of Sipa’s advance processing team, which took charge of all the testing. The laboratory controls were all passed in accordance with global bot- tlers’ standards to ensure that the final process will be replicable under real plant conditions. Easy to implement and to retrofit, Moldintec’s new BaseMax solution is said to be fully compatible with new and existing moulds, even if they have been manufactured by another tooling supplier. PLUG & DRY • SCREW ON, PLUG IN AND START • ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY ONLY • LOWEST ENERGY CONSUMPTION • NEARLY SERVICE FREE • HIGHEST AVAILABILITY • WLAN CONNECTIVITY TO YOUR MOBILE DEVICE EISBÄR TROCKENTECHNIK GMBH WUHRMÜHLE 22 / A-6840 GÖTZIS T +43 5523 55558-0 / F -50 [email protected] / WWW.EISBAER.AT MATERIAL DRIER AS ALL IN ONE UNIT FOR 50 TO 200 KG/H VISIT US AT FAKUMA IN FRIEDRICHS- HAFEN BOOTH A7-7312 “Over the last nine months, we have had the opportunity to collabo- rate closely with one of the leading blowing machine manufacturers in the world to improve our technology. The results encourage us to continue our research to keep us on the blowing edge. We are very grateful to Sipa, especially Engineer Paolo De Nardi, who coordinated and observed these tests”, says Moldintec’s CCO D.I. Jorge Pucci.