Insider 10 / 2018
CAPS & CLOSURES 27 PET planet Insider Vol. 19 Smoother, simpler, easier to maintain “Our responsibility was to provide a machine that would put the plastic through at the right rate,” said Michael Ludemann. “In the design phase, we worked with both PP and HDPE, in parallel, until the decision was made on which material was chosen.” The reality of Australia’s geographical position meant that there was also pressure to produce moulding equip- ment that would be easy to use and to maintain. “We tried to bring in existing concepts and, finally, we managed it,” said z-Moulds’ Michael Fink. “We simplified the technol- ogy. Moulds like that used for the overcap and base have been in the market for 20 years. We sought to simplify how it moves and how many parts it has. The fewer parts are involved, the easier the machinery is to maintain.” Ease of mainte- nance also means that it will be easier to use in practice. It was kept as simple as possible. All of the partners agreed that the develop- ment of the SyLon cap was a success because, although it incorporated and built on existing ideas and experience, there was willingness across the board to consider it as something brand new; it was actually a ‘clean sheet’ project. “It’s very much because of the attitude of Coca- Cola Amatil, which we have seen from the flat cap (FC) 1881 onwards. They really are driving to be the best in the world,” said Druitt. All of them agreed that the project, while demanding, had been a pleasure to be involved with. “It was not easy; it has been a complex project,” said Husky’s Ludemann. “We have been through some tough times but we The team responsible for getting the Sylon Mercury sports cap from idea to reality at the official line opening. have built stronger relationships out of it.” So: will there be time for a celebra- tion, now that the SyLon cap is suc- cessfully launched, and we have seen it produced from pellets to finished product? “No, we haven’t stopped to cel- ebrate,” Furlong laughed. “There’s always something else to be doing.” Contiform 3 Pro #GermanBlingBling #Contiform3Pro We do more. China Brew China Beverage 2018 Shanghai, 23 – 26 October Hall W1, Booth 1Y631