Insider 10 / 2018

TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 10/18 47 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 47 Each of the two process has its own merits depend- ing on the market volume and end-use of the bottle. As the world’s leading one-step machine manufac- turer, ASB recognised the merits of each system and combined them into a moulding system that became known as 1.5-step moulding. In this process, preforms are injected in a greater number of cavities, partially cooled to maximise stability then temperature conditioned before being passed to a blow mould containing 1/3 the number of cavities of the preform mould. Since it nor- mally takes around three times longer to injection mould a preform than to blow a bottle, this means that each part of the machine is now operating at maximum utilisation. The result is a very compact bottle moulding machine that operates at high efficiency and yet can produce the highest quality of finished bottle because, as in the one- step system, preforms are never released so there is no risk of scuffing or neck deformation. In order to achieve the same output by two-step moulding at least 2-3 times the factory floor area would be required, and the container visual and neck quality would be significantly lowered. Additionally, by moulding the preform within the same machine that the bottle is blown, the hygiene of the preform and finished bottle is of the highest possible level making the machine ideally suited to an in-line filling operation for beverage products, states the company. At China Brew & Beverage 2018 the machine will demonstrate live moulding twice daily and the booth will include a wide range of samples and displays of other specialised technologies fromASB. The booth will also be exhibiting a full line of matched moulding ancillary equipment that ASB is able to supply, such as resin dryers, chillers, mould dehumidifiers and mould tempera- ture controllers. ! ! " #$% %% &''% (((( #$% $(%%)*$%+$ #$% $(%)),&,+' - ! ! Vertical injection mould in a compact 3-row layout (PF36/36-600) PF36 1.5-step operation principle, blow station has 1/3 the number of injection cavities and operates three times per injection cycle