Insider 10 / 2018

TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 10/18 49 Floorplan October 24-26, 2018, Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre Mumbai, India / / / / / $FH 7HFKQRORJLHV )ULVWDP 0DQMXVKUHH 6DQN\ 1DWLRQDO 3RO\SODVW / / / / / / / / / / / (DV\EUHZ $*( %HOWLQJ 66(TXLSPHQW 5-%UHZLQJ 7UDQVOLQH 0R6 (QJJ 6K\DP3ODVWLF %DODML(Q]\PHV 6%0DFKLQHV / 5R\DO,QGXVWU\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +LOGHQ 5DSLG %HYWHFK %UHZIRUFH 6SHFWUDD +\SUR (QJLQHHUV 0 0 0 0 0 '9.63 0 5DKXO IHUURPHW 'XSRQW 2LOWHFK 3DYLOLRQ &$6 (QGUHVV +DXVHU 1 1 1 1 1 1 'HOOD7RIÁR &KHPFR 8QLSDF $VHSWLF 7KHUPR (FRNULQ $URO 1 1 1 1 1 1 616 2YHUVHDV )LOPDWLFV 1 6LJPD3DFNDJLQJ 309 ,QGR$LU )+& 0HULWW 1 1 )HUPHQWLV 1 $WDJR ,QGLD 34 6LGHO . . . . 3UDM $JXDSXUR . % $VVRFLDWHV 5HVHUYHG . . 2)),&,$/*(50$13$9,/,21 . . . 6DLWHFK (XURÁH[ . . . &RPSWHFK /HR3UHFLVLRQ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (175< (175< 3 3 3 3 3 3 65-(QJJ &HQWHF 555 &KHPERQG 3HUPLRQLFV $OIDD89 $JDUDP &DQDGLDQ &U\VWDOOLQH &LSULDQL 1H[JHQ .DULVKPD $,0 8QLTXH 9HFKRVHV 577 SODFH EHHU %X\HU 6HOOHU ,RQH[FKDQJH ,JXV 5HOLDEOH PHWDOV 7HFKQRGULYH *8(67 &/8% -HWVSUD\ ,QQRYDWLRQV 3 8QLWHG 7HDP 6SUD\,QGLD $NUDV )ODYRXUV * 3 3 .LWWHQ 1LVKDQW 0RXOGLQJ 7HMDV,PSH[ 1 $QGULW] +LWHVK3ODVWLFV . &KLQD 3DYLOLRQ 0 0 0 0 6LQROLQ / / / / 'RQMR\ =KRQJFKHQ 1 1HZDPVWDU / / / *ROGHQ -LQJGH 7ULRZLQ . -D\D LQGXVWULHV 0 &$EKD\NXPDU 3 +XD\DQ 6LFD ,QGLD 3DOO ,QGLD * 6HSSHOHF . . . %ORZWHFK / &DWDO\VW +XD<XQ /HX]H (OHFWURQLF )66$, 5HVHUYHG 3 0 &$EKD\NXPDU 0HFWLOH .6&RQWURO 55 7HFK 3DGPD 7HFK . :H\HUPDQQ 1 1 6%UHZLQJ 1 %DQD (QYLURWHFK 1 0 0 5HVHUYHG $QWRQ3DDU 1 'LDÁRZ 0 0 0 0 0 8QLTXH * -HHSLQH * 7HFK ORQJ $6% '9& 3URFHVV 6XQGH[ 0 0 0 0 8QLWHFK (QJJ 6\VWHP3ODVW 27$, 5DM:DWHU 7HFKQRORJ\ 0 %HULFDS . . .URQHV . 2)),&,$/*(50$13$9,/,21 .+6 . . . 0+7 KE PHGLD +HXIW 2)),&,$/*(50$13$9,/,21 /HKXL G Round Table Talks The dynamic development of the Indian food and beverage market is reflected at dti: The exhibition area will be expanded by 18 percent compared to the previous event in Mumbai in 2016. The exhibitors at dti cover the entire value chain of the beverage and liquid food industry. This offers visitors a comprehensive overview of the latest developments and solutions. Supporting programme: What is moving the Indian market, now and in the future? The place2beer celebrates its premiere at this year’s drink technology India. The net- working platform with sensory tasting, panel discussions and brewery supply displays, was first introduced at drinktec in Munich in 2017. Another novelty at dti is the Oiltech Forum which will take place for the first time as part of the Oiltech Pavilion, powered by oils+fats and sup- ported by the Oil Technologists’ Association of India (OTAI). The topic of the half-day seminar is: ‘Challenges in packaging of edible oils and other related products’. The exhibition is thereby responding to the increasing importance of the topic of oils and fats for the Indian market. Current and forward-thinking topics for the entire Indian beverage and liquid food market are addressed during the Round-Table Talks (see p.50 f). Trends with regard to beverages, dairy, packaging and recycling are on the agenda. Among other things, experts will discuss which social developments the industry is cur- rently dealing with, such as the increasing health awareness of the consumers. Further panel discussions will be dealing with, among other topics, packaging trends or new concepts in the dairy industry. The buyer-seller meetings offer additional benefits to exhibitors and visitors by bridging the gap between exhibitors and top managers. indiapack pacprocess