Insider 10 / 2018
PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 10/18 55 BOTTLES PET bottles Beverage + Liquid Food Jelly Beans in a miniature bottle The American manufacturer Jelly Belly is packing 42 g of jelly beans into clear miniature bottles. The bottle is sealed with a simple, push-on hinged cap. The sleeve label is drawn up over the cap and protects the Soda Pop Shop products, which are reminiscent in taste to well-known drinks like 7Up or A&W. Canada Pure in a blue bottle The Canadian manufacturer Canada Pure is selling its epony- mous, lightly carbonated drink in a blue 445ml bottle. The drink is slightly sweetened with sucrose and one bottle contains 90kcal. No sweeten- ers or artificial flavours are used. The bottles are decorated with a transpar- ent foil label around the body and the different flavours can also be easily identified by the colour of the tamper- evident screw cap. Bottles designed by artists Under the name “Arto Lift WTR”, the brand belonging to PepsiCo has enabled as-yet unknown artists to design bottle labels. The “Purified Water, pH Balanced & Electrolyte for Taste” is bottled in clear PET bottles holding 700ml. The transparent, self-adhesive labels are printed with the motifs of each artist and offer colourful variety on the shelves. Each edition is avail- able for a limited time only and is replaced by a new art edition. The seal is a screw cap with a tamper-evident seal.